Holding Out for Christmas (The Christmas Tree Ranch #3)(56)

“We can do whatever sounds fun to you,” he said as they left the restaurant. “But here’s one possibility. When we were in the mall, I noticed an oldies-style movie theater. This week, they’re showing Christmas classics. We could check it out.”

“That sounds like good, relaxing fun,” Megan said.

“If we don’t hit the start times right, we can just stroll around the mall. You can even sit on Santa’s lap and tell him what you want for Christmas,” he teased.

“Only if you’ll do it first.” She gave him a playful punch.

Conner laughed. “I know what I want, but I’m not sure he could get my present down the chimney. Come on, let’s catch a movie.”

They made it to the theater in time for a choice of two movies: It’s a Wonderful Life and How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

“Your choice,” Conner said. “Name it.”

“I’ve seen It’s a Wonderful Life more times than I can count. Every time I see it, I love it more. I vote for that one.”

Conner secretly hated the sentimental classic, but he was out to please his lady. “Sounds like a winner,” he said. “And there’s not even a line at the box office.”

They picked up sodas at the concession stand. At this early hour, the small, dark theater was empty.

“If you don’t mind, I like to sit near the back.”

“How’s this?” Conner chose two center seats, a few rows from the rear of the theater. They sat, putting their sodas in the cup holders as the feature started. No one else had come in.

“Hey, we’ve got a private showing.” Conner raised the armrests between their seats before he leaned back, laying an arm behind her shoulders.

Megan laughed. “I feel like I’m in high school again.”

His hand cupped her shoulder, pulling her closer against him. “If we were really in high school, you know what I’d do, don’t you?”

“What?” She was all big-eyed innocence.

“This.” He leaned over and gave her what was meant to be a playful kiss. But as their lips clung, he felt her catch fire. He turned in the seat, using both his arms to mold her against him. He felt the little catch of her breath, the pounding of her heart against his as her mouth softened, lips parting, opening to welcome the thrust of his tongue.

A moan rose in her throat as their mouths played with each other, exploring, taking time. Her hands cupped his head, one finger circling the contours of his ear. The light contact sent a hot current pulsing through Conner’s body. He could feel the need, the mounting desire. He fought the temptation to slide a hand beneath her sweater and touch her in intimate ways, right here in the theater with the movie playing on the screen.

What was he thinking?

“Damn it, woman,” he growled. “If we don’t stop now, what you’re doing to me is going to get us in trouble.”

Flushed and breathless, she pulled away as he released her. Their timing was good. A family with teenagers, and what appeared to be elderly grandparents, filed into the theater and took seats a few rows in front of them. She gave him a smile.

“I think we’d better just watch the movie,” she whispered.

He leaned back with a sigh, caught her hand, and cradled it in his. Even that chaste contact of her warm skin with his was enough to send his senses spinning.

He might have suggested that they leave for the privacy of the Jeep, but Megan really seemed into the movie. He watched a tear trickle down her cheek as Jimmy Stewart came home to his family, saved at last, and the blasted angel finally got his wings.

“Thank you,” she said, stirring in her seat. “I’d forgotten what a wonderful story this is.”

“My pleasure.” Conner wouldn’t lie by saying he’d enjoyed the film, but he’d loved being next to her and watching her tender reaction. “What do you say we drop those chocolates off at the hospital and head for home?”

They held hands all the way to the Jeep, where he helped her inside. So far, things couldn’t have gone better. They’d agreed that they wouldn’t take more time at the hospital. Megan offered to stay in the vehicle while Conner ran their gift inside.


He took the elevator up and slipped into the hospital room, where he found Travis and Maggie both asleep. Maggie had pulled her chair close to the bed. Her head rested near Travis’s side. A smile tugged at Conner’s lips as he laid the gold-wrapped box on the overbed table and stole out of the room again. His partner was a lucky man. Now, if only he could find the same kind of luck—and love—for himself.

Megan could be the one. He loved her looks, her laugh, and her unselfish way of helping her family. The chemistry between them was sizzling hot. But he’d had chemistry before. What mattered every bit as much was honesty.

Before the accident that had ended his rodeo career, he’d been engaged to a beautiful, sexy woman. They’d broken up when he’d found out she’d lied to him about her past and about her whereabouts when she wasn’t with him. What she’d actually done had been forgivable. What he couldn’t forgive was the fact that she’d lied to his face, more than once.

To make matters worse, the breakup had happened the night before the buck-off that had shattered his hip. Had his emotions clouded his concentration? Or had the accident been a pure twist of fate?

Janet Dailey's Books