Healing Gabe (The Last Hangman MC #3)(5)

That night, he went too far though. He tried to get me drunk so I would finally give into him, so he could seal the deal by f*cking me. I’m so glad that guy stepped in and kicked Jared’s ass. I feel for the guy though, not only did he get injured pretty badly but the whole club is going to want revenge. I hope he manages to get away with it unscathed.

He’s very easy on the eye, tall with broad shoulders, bit of a scruff on his face, light hazel eyes and full lips that you just want to lick and suck on…the man is sex on legs. And he’s also dating my sister now, so I can’t be daydreaming of him. Their relationship has been kinda doomed since the beginning, the main issue being that Gabe is the Last Hangman’s new prospect. They both wanted to make it work so they did give it a go. He promised her and kept reassuring her that they’d be okay as long as they were careful, and they’d be able to be happy. He doesn’t understand the dynamics of club rules yet, the most vital of them being: do not fraternize with the enemy or with their family. I just hope we’ll all be okay, the only positive thing about him being a Hangman is that we can get updates on our old family.

I’ve been sat in this little café for over an hour, waiting for Annie and Gabe to finish their date. Not that I mind, I’m beyond happy for her. She deserves to find her happiness and it looks like Gabe is exactly what she needed. I just wish they didn’t have to hide their relationship but because Gabe is part of the Last Hangman, it’s forbidden. Their love is stronger than that. I just hope Jared or Trent won’t find out. I’m dreading what would happen if any of them did. It’s been going on for three weeks now.

I have to come with her on her dates so Trent doesn’t suspect she’s up to something. I do feel like the third wheel though, I’m always either hanging out in another room or in a different place nearby. This little café has become one of my favorite places as of late. She’s supposed to text me when I can go back to his place. We have the same routine every time. I drive her there, I park the car in his garage and walk here. I do wish I had someone like Gabe in my life. Having this much time to myself isn’t good. I keep thinking about the past and what our life used to be. I miss those days. I miss our parents. Life would have been so much easier and there would have been a lot less drama.

I didn’t get to interact much with Gabe. Things were really awkward. He kept looking at me. I don’t know if it was because he was in the company of twins and had some messed up fantasies of a threesome with twins or he was just disturbed we looked so alike.

I wish she hadn’t fallen in love with him. Don’t get me wrong, he’s amazing, sweet, loving and such a great parental figure to Nicole, but we are all from wrong side of the tracks. We are from enemy clubs and it’s just going to result in a f*cking war if they are found out and no one will come out of this unharmed.

I just hope we’ll all come out of this alive.



October 15th 2014

It’s been a month since Aleck took down Brian.

That sick son of a bitch!

I don’t know why that f*cker did what he did to Charline but I’m f*cking relieved all three of us got out of it alive. Thank God Ally is safe and sound and doesn’t seem too traumatized by it.

I tried my best to keep them protected but our now deceased prospect knocked me down when I was about to enter the house after spotting Brian. The bastard hit me from behind and thanks to a previous injury, fighting back was not an option.

I still feel responsible for what happened to Line and Aleck, it’s my fault they both got injured and Aleck nearly died. Good thing the f*cker is stubborn, I don’t think I could’ve handled losing a brother.

Today is Aleck’s first day back with us, he’s been banned from the road or doing anything physical for the next couple of months, which I’m sure is driving him insane and made a thousand times worse by the fact that he can’t get physical with Line.

Things have been pretty quiet this past month since the attack. We haven’t heard a peep from the Hades’ Kings, which is good but slightly disturbing. We know they’ll retaliate but don’t know how or when they are going to strike. We took two of their members down but according to Ant, it was because of a special vendetta Brian had against Line.

That f*cker Blades had secretly been a part of the Kings for years and infiltrated the Bastards to get intel, I guess they never managed to form an alliance in the end. Thank f*ck for that otherwise it’d be f*cking chaos around here. He was also getting information on us which is unnerving to know that two clubs were able to learn our secrets, one is bad enough but two? That shit is what nightmares are made of. We don’t know who to trust anymore. The long standing members have our trust no questions asked, but the newer ones still have to prove themselves and are being watched very closely. Bennett and Ryan are our two newest members, they’re great guys and have been with us for a while now but you can’t be too careful. I f*cking hope no more brothers will betray us.

The club has been through a lot, from betrayal to some of us being incarcerated wrongly, we’ve seen it all. It has put a dent in the strength of the club. I’m afraid anything bad happening to the club could destroy it. None of us want this but it’s a reality we’ll need to face if it comes to it.

We all gather around the table in the Chapel. Ant is at the head, I am to his left and Aleck is to his right. He’s looking pretty rough but it’s good to see him alive.

Muriel Garcia's Books