Half Empty (First Wives, #2)(58)

Even as she caught her breath, her hand searched him out.

“Please,” she breathed. “It’s been too long.”



Her hand cupped him through his jeans.

It took two seconds to kick them off and feel her beautiful fingers taking in the length of him.

She chuckled. “Do they grow everything big in Texas?”

He used her laughter to slow things down as he buried his head in her shoulder. “That’s a line.”

“Guilty,” she said as she bucked her hips and rolled him onto his back.

The levity was his short reprieve before he felt her hair cascade against his thigh.

He was smiling, confident, and then the warmth of her mouth covered him, and Wade’s eyes rolled to the back of his head.

Yes . . .

He was going to lose it . . .


Aunt freakin’ Mavis has a really warm . . . oh, God.

He pushed her away. “Not yet.”

Trina chuckled as she crawled up his frame and straddled her hips with his.


He opened his eyes.

The heat of her hovered over the length of him.

“I have an IUD. I’m clean since—”

He broke off her words with his lips.

Wade pushed her away when she started to melt. “I have a condom in my wallet.”

“Are you not . . . ?”

“I’m good, darlin’. I just don’t want you to worry.”

Even though the shift in thought dampened the mood, Wade twisted Trina to the side and rolled out of bed.

He grabbed his forgotten jeans off the floor to find them devoid of his wallet before he remembered the fumbling of the room key.

Trina lay sprawled on the bed in the middle of the day, one leg bent in a pose worthy of any skin magazine he’d ever used as a kid, while Wade scrambled from the room to the front of their suite in search of his wallet.

He half expected her to be asleep when he returned.

Instead, she sat up on her elbows like a goddess, with her granny panties half on and half off the bed, the sparkle in her eyes.

What a beautiful goddess she was.

Trina’s gaze washed him up and down, lingering briefly at his cock.

“I want to taste you again.”

He twitched and all but jumped into bed.

They were arms and legs . . . lips and tongues, and no sooner did he manage to open the condom and cover the length of him than Trina was pulling him home.

She was tight. Snowdrifts on the Alps or he was going to explode tight.

She moaned, long and slow. Then, and only then, did she slow down and let him catch up.

Wade set the pace, his hips and hands . . . lips and tongue, everything moved in slow motion. “I have you,” he told her, no longer having to think about Alaska to give this woman what she wanted. All he had to think of was her.

The glory of being the one to make her call his name stroked his ego in ways he hadn’t felt before. When she moved faster, her nails digging deep, he kept his own tide back until the gentle squeeze of her pulsated and made him lose control one final time.

They were a heap of hot, sweaty, gasping flesh in the middle of the afternoon.

Wade held her tight and wrapped a free leg around her as he came to rest at her side. He’d like to say he hadn’t had so many encounters in his sexual life to compare this one to the next . . . but he’d be lying. This one left him dazed. World-changing and life-altering dazed.

“Wade,” Trina said, her breath slow and hot on his chest.

“Yeah, darlin’?”

“Was that—?”

He pulled the comforter over the two of them, felt his body slip from hers. “It sure was, hon.”

She snuggled in, and God bless America, Trina fell asleep before he could close his eyes.

Chapter Twenty-Two

The glow of the setting sun spilled through the floor to ceiling windows of the penthouse suite. Trina’s eyes fluttered open and reality seeped in. She wasn’t alone. Wade slept soundly beside her, his arm was her pillow, her leg draped over his.

She smiled.

The memory of their lovemaking swirled like a hurricane in her head. She’d attacked him, flat-out threw him against the wall, and didn’t let up until she was done . . . twice.

God, she felt good. Although she should be embarrassed by her behavior, she couldn’t bring herself to care. She’d been reckless, and Wade had been responsible. She would have gladly accepted him into her body without protection, which was stupid when she stopped to think about it now, but he resisted.

What had he said again? Oh, yeah, so she wouldn’t worry. And she would have. Wade “Country Star” Thomas had the opportunity to sleep with beautiful women all over the world. While he didn’t seem the type to take advantage of that every night, she’d be crazy to think he didn’t dip often.

Thanks to him, she wasn’t worried. Besides, condomless sex was reserved for exclusive relationships. That wasn’t something on the table this early in the dance.

She couldn’t expect it of him, even though she knew there wasn’t anyone else in her life.

Her stomach rumbled, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten since the hospital cafeteria hard-boiled eggs and orange juice. She twisted her head far enough to read the clock. It was closing in on six thirty. They’d slept for three hours.

Catherine Bybee's Books