Fumbled (Playbook #2)(42)

I might love Vonnie. Some may say it’s too soon and I’m too young to know what true love is, but she had me at wine and demons.

“I always make sure I have a bottle of wine stashed in the house,” I tell her, feeling happy for the first time today that I decided to come. “So I totally understand.”

“You have kids?” Charli leans in, her voice hushed and her eyes wide.

“One, Ace.” I point to Ace, who’s still running around, having the time of his life. “The one with the perfectly highlighted mess of curls, he’s nine.”

“I was wondering who the little cutie keeping my crew entertained was. They’ve usually scared off most of the other kids by now, but they’re loving running around with him,” Vonnie says.

Pride wells up in my chest the way it always does when Ace is mentioned. “He’s a good kid.”

“Mine are the ones in the Lamar jerseys.” Vonnie points to Jagger, the one who stole Ace from me, and two other not-so-little boys with matching haircuts. They look like they could be triplets and my respect for her multiplies. “Wait.” She pauses, squinting her eyes at Ace as he runs away from her boys. “Is that a Moore jersey?”

“Ummm . . .” My hands start to fidget underneath the table again. I pinch my thigh to avoid biting my lip and looking even more nervous than I already do. “Yeah.”

“Wait,” Vonnie repeats as she and Charli both lean in closer. “You and TK are a thing?”

“You didn’t hear Dixie announce it to everyone?” Charli asks Vonnie, like she’s annoyed to have to go over these details when there’s a much bigger, juicier story to be told.

“You know I ignore Dixie’s ass whenever possible.” Vonnie looks from Charli to me. “Which is all the damn time. That woman works my damn nerves.”

Considering my one experience with Dixie, that’s not hard for me to believe. “I can see how that could happen.”

“Yes, Dixie is insane. Everyone knows this,” Charli whisper yells at both of us. “But what nobody knows is if TK has a son.”

“Oh yes.” Vonnie purses her lips and nods her head, the same look Maya’s church friends give when spilling church tea. “Good point. Is Ace TK’s?”

How did this become a paternity interrogation?

“I mean . . .” I look between the two women at my sides. I’m not ashamed, but it’s also not really their business. But on the other hand, since I had Ace, I’ve become a pretty decent judge of character, and I’m ninety-nine percent sure they aren’t asking for gossip ammunition. And letting my guard down a couple of inches can’t hurt too much . . . right? “Yeah. TK and I went to high school toge—”

Vonnie and Charli both cut me off before I can explain further.

“No more,” Charli says.

“Yeah.” Vonnie agrees and only ups my confusion. “Most of these women are the shit, but there’s a small handful who you do not want to overhear your business.”

“Cough, Dixie, cough.” Charli points to the table where Dixie and five other women are sitting.

Vonnie puts an expectant palm in front of me. “Give me your phone.”

“Oookay . . .” I give it to her because she doesn’t seem like the kind of woman to take no for an answer.

She fiddles around on it for a couple of minutes before giving it back to me. “There. I entered my number, my address, and made an appointment for you to come over tomorrow for lunch.”

I open my mouth to interrupt, but I don’t get a word out.

“No excuses. You come, drink wine, and chat. Ace and my boys can run around and play. It’s a win-win.” Damn. She’s good. I thought I had mom authority down, but she’s putting me to shame.

Still one problem, though. “I’m actually supposed to start working this weekend. I can do Sunday night, though, if you aren’t already busy.”

“The only plans I have for the next two weeks are trying to not lose my mind. You coming over will greatly increase my odds of survival. Plus, Sunday is the first preseason game. Come over early and we can watch it together.” She grabs her soda off the table and twists it open. “What about you, Charli? Can you make it Sunday?”

She shrugs her shoulders. “I did have some pretty exciting plans with my DVR, but they can wait a night, I guess.”

“This bitch.” Vonnie rolls her eyes and tries to sound irritated, but the smile tugging at the corners of her full lips reveals her true feelings.

“So Sunday?” I confirm.

“Sunday.” Charli nods her head. “I’ll bring dessert and you bring details. Like, all of them.”

Well, shit.

What the hell did I get myself into this time?


I hate to admit it, but I’m kind of dreading the whistle blowing and this day ending.

Admittedly, I pay zero attention to the football being played in front of me, I’m much more interested in the women beside me. Vonnie and Charli are hilarious and I feel guilty for the preconceived notions I had when I first stepped foot into the tent.

Charli, whose name I learn is really Charolette, is getting her master’s in business from the University of Denver. Vonnie has her law degree but decided to take a break while Justin is playing. She started sharing her struggles adjusting from being a part of the workforce to a stay-at-home mom, and I guess she is Internet famous . . . which I also learn is a thing. You know people can make a crap ton of money from YouTube videos? What in the actual world and sign me up. Please and thank you.

Alexa Martin's Books