Four Week Fiance (Four Week Fiance #1)(5)

“Because they don’t see your face at first,” he said with a deadpanned voice, and it took a moment for his meaning to sink in.

“You’re an *.” I groaned at him, shaking my head at his diss. That is what I meant about him thinking he was my big brother. It was like he and Cody had sat down one day and discussed the responsibilities and tasks of being my older sibling. And teasing me was the number-one duty.

“You gotta love it.” He laughed as if he thought his joke was hilarious.

“Not really.”

“Aww, well, sorry to break your heart, but this isn’t The X Factor calling.”

“Uh huh.”

“I was calling because Cody can’t pick you up tomorrow. He’s stuck at work until early Saturday morning, so he asked if I can pick you and Sally up and drive you up to the lake house.”

“Oh, really?” I grinned into the phone, slightly excited that we’d be alone together, but then I remembered that Sally would be with us. “I guess that’s fine.” I tried to sound nonchalant.

“What time will you be ready?” He cleared his throat. “And an accurate time, please, not an ‘I’ll try to be ready, but I’ll keep you waiting for thirty minutes’ sort of thing.”

“TJ Walker, shut up.” I groaned into the phone. “That was only one time.”

“It was one time too many.”

“Whatever. I’m sure all your dates keep you waiting as well.”

“Yeah, but I know I’m getting something from them that makes it worth it.”

I gasped and he laughed into the phone. “So, what time, Milady Sadie?”

“Three o’clock, but I’ll check with Sally to make sure she can make that.” I ignored his use of the nickname he and Cody had coined for me when we were younger. They had created a rhyme for me that went, “Milady Sadie, went to bathy, and she got a stupid navy. A navy wavy goofy baby, that is our Milady Sadie.” It made absolutely no sense, but the nickname Milady Sadie had stuck. I knew better than to get annoyed when they used it anymore. It only fuelled their teasing.

“Okay, Milady Sadie. Call me back and let me know.”

“You’re a child, you know that, TJ?” I couldn’t stop myself. “Only a little boy would call me a nickname from when I was a little kid.”

“You’re still a kid, Mila.” His voice was dry.

“No, I’m not.” I growled into the phone.

“Oh, yeah. I forgot you’re a college graduate now.” He laughed. “You’re officially in the big girls’ club.”

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes, even though I knew he couldn’t see them.

“Oh, yeah. I may be bringing a friend with me. I spoke to Cody, and your parents don’t mind.”

“A friend?” I frowned.

“Yeah, her name is Barbie.”

“No, it is not.” I groaned into the phone and tried to ignore the swell of disappointment that rose up in me as I threw the bikinis down onto the floor. What was the point of me trying to seduce him if he was bringing another girl up?

“Yeah, it is.” He laughed. “And she calls me Ken.”

“Are you joking? Why is she calling you Ken?”

“I kind of told her my name was Ken when I picked her up at the bar two nights ago.”

“Oh, my God,” I groaned into the phone, flopped onto the bed and closed my eyes. “Please tell me that is a bad joke. She did not actually believe you?”

“Of course she believed me.” He laughed. “So, just let Sally know, I’m Ken for the weekend.”

“What are you going to tell my parents?”

“Oh, Cody told me that they couldn’t make it. He didn’t tell you?”

“No.” I sighed. “No one told me anything.” I rolled over on my side. “Not my parents and not Cody. So you’re telling me that this year the family get-together is going to be me, Sally, Barbie and you?”

“You got it.” He laughed. “And Cody will be there tomorrow morning.”

“Great, that’s just great.”

“I think your dad wanted to take care of some business stuff and your mom wanted to take your Nonno to get some new sheets or something.”

“I’m glad my family let you know what was going on before they told me anything,” I said, feeling annoyed. I hated that they never bothered to let me know anything, like I was still some kid or something.

“Don’t pout, Mila. You know it doesn’t suit you.”

“Thanks for nothing.” I stuck my tongue out at the phone.

“Anyway, go call Sally and then call me back to confirm the time.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I like that,” he drawled.

“You like what?”

“When you call me sir.” He laughed. “I could get used to it.”

“I’m sure you could.” I paused. “But I guess you’ll just have to get Barbie to call you that.”

“Don’t worry, Mila. You’ll have a guy to call sir soon.”

“I already have a guy,” I lied, slightly annoyed at his comment.

“What?” His voice changed and suddenly became brusque. “What guy?”

Helen Cooper's Books