Forged in Desire (The Protectors #1)(74)
After rinsing the soapy suds from his body, he turned off the shower and stepped out to towel off. Thoughts of making love to Margo again were consuming him. But he couldn’t see how he could stop them. He was too far gone, too overcome with desire.
Wrapping the towel around his waist, Striker left the bath suite and headed to the bedroom...and to the woman he hoped like hell was waiting for him.
STRIKER WALKED INTO the bedroom, took a look at Margo in the bed and felt coiling sensations grip his erection. His gaze held hers, and at that moment there was no doubt in his mind she was waiting for him. Even from across the room he could feel the strong sexual chemistry flowing between them. It was so powerful his chest heaved from labored breathing. Tonight she lay there looking soft, feminine and very, very sexy while watching his every move. The thought that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her had him walking toward the bed. And when he got close enough, he dropped the towel.
He heard her sharp intake of breath. She’d seen him naked before, and she’d seen pure unadulterated evidence of his desire for her. So why did seeing him now cause such a reaction? “You okay?” he asked, pushing the covers aside to slide into bed beside her.
“Yes, I’m okay,” she said, easing toward him when he reached out for her. “Now that you’re here.”
Just as he thought, she was naked, and that fired his libido even more. Pulling her into his arms, he felt her hands caress his back and shoulders. She paused when her finger touched an old scar on his arm, and she leaned in and kissed it.
“A motorcycle injury?” she asked, gently rubbing the scar.
He saw no reason not to tell her the truth. “No, it’s a knife wound.”
She pulled back and stared into his face. “A knife wound?”
“Yes, compliments of Stonewall.”
“The same Stonewall who works for Roland and keeps you updated on things? Why would he stab you with a knife?”
He was in the mood to make love, not to answer questions, but he would tell her this much. “It happened when Stonewall and I were in the slammer together and—”
“Stonewall was in prison with you?”
“Yes, that’s where Stonewall, Quasar and I met.”
That seemed to shock her.
He knew she was trying to wrap her head around what he’d told her, probably wondering why her uncle would hire ex-cons. He wouldn’t be the one to tell her that Roland had served time in jail as well.
Deciding he would kiss her before her next question, he leaned in and joined his mouth with hers, letting her feel his tongue inside her mouth. Hopefully that would take her mind off his past and put it on her need for him.
From the way she was returning his kiss, it was working. He had no problem succumbing to the primitive forces taking over his senses, making him not want to think beyond tonight.
At that moment he felt pushed to the limits, desperate. He wanted her with a degree of passion that only she could stimulate. He felt incredibly hot for her and needed to get inside of her, join their bodies, their minds and their souls.
Their souls?
He suddenly broke off the kiss, wondering where that thought came from. He wasn’t sure and at the moment he didn’t want to analyze his thoughts. What he wanted was to see her. Pushing their bedcovers aside, he exposed all of her naked body and licked his lips as his gaze roamed over her. Her body was one any man would appreciate. She had the most gorgeous breasts, and the hardened dark nipples appeared as delicious chocolate morsels that his mouth wanted to devour.
But then, the same thing could be said for the area between her legs. He loved tasting her there. He loved going inside of her, moving around, thrusting inside, pounding hard. Just seeing her like this, comfortable with the way he was looking at her, was making him crazy with lust.
Every inch of her body was a total turn-on. He was about to pull her back into his arms when she pushed him on his back. She straddled him with her breasts hovering over his face. Not one to let an opportunity pass him by, he reached up and grabbed hold of a breast and sucked a nipple into his mouth, needing her taste. He applied suction with the intensity he craved.
Doing this to her breast was probably making her wet. That was a good thing because he’d make a damn feast of her later. He took hold of the other breast and continued the torment, loving the sound of her moans. Margo was a highly sensual woman, and he knew if he kept this up, he could make her come just from sucking on her breast. The thought was tempting.
He wasn’t immune either and was greedily feeding a desire within him that he felt all the way to his toes. It was a desire he wanted to take to the next level with her. Now. But then she flipped the script and decided to take things in her own hands, literally. She reached down and took hold of him with a snug grip and whispered, “Now it’s my time to taste.”
He saw the heated lust in her eyes. Saw the greed and his erection throbbed. Just looking at her made him a near goner, and he had a feeling it would be him who would be coming all over the place.
MARGO SLID DOWN Striker’s body until she was eye level with his spread legs and stared at the huge shaft that was within inches of her face. The first word that came to her mind was magnificent.
His shaft was standing straight up, surrounded by a dark thatch of curls. The head of it was big and smooth with thick veins running along the sides. This was the first time she’d seen a man’s penis this up close and personal and she thought it should be a model for all others.