Forged in Desire (The Protectors #1)(66)
He unhurriedly ended the kiss but continued to lick around her mouth for a while before leaning back to stare down at her. She wondered what he was thinking. If the same sensations were overwhelming him like they were her.
“Mercy, Margo. You’re beautiful from your head to your toes.”
His words, spoken in a deep raspy tone, penetrated through the sensual daze that had overtaken her. She had no problem returning the compliment. “Thank you, and I think you’re beautiful too.”
She really meant it. Although she was well aware that men didn’t think of themselves as beautiful, in Striker’s case, there was no help for it. But if he preferred her using words like handsome, striking, gorgeous or attractive, then she would.
He smiled, and she thought the same thing she’d thought earlier. He didn’t smile enough. Smiling made him even more beautiful. A part of her was glad she was the one who’d put the smile on his face.
His gaze shifted to her breasts. They hardened beneath his stare. Her breath caught when he lowered his head and captured a nipple in his mouth and began sucking on it. The suction was so intense she could feel a pull in the area between her legs from the force of it.
He went to the other nipple to give it the same torment, and within seconds she was moaning his name just like she’d probably done in her dreams. She was in such a sensual state of utopia that she hadn’t realized his mouth was traveling down from her breasts until he’d lifted her hips to place her legs over his shoulders. Before her mind could fully comprehend what he was about to do, his face was there, within mere inches of her womanhood.
“Damn, you’re wet,” she heard him say in a throaty voice just moments before he gave her a quick swipe of his tongue. Then another. “I love your taste, Margo. And my tongue wants a deeper taste than before.”
Deeper than before? She wondered how that was possible when she recalled how deep his tongue had gone the last time. “Is that possible?”
He lifted his head from between her legs just long enough to grin at her, wink and say, “Trust me, it is.”
When he lowered his head again, she felt him continue to lick her, using the tip of his tongue to greedily whip around those areas he was parting with his fingers.
“I love this here,” he said, inundating her clitoris with several flicks of his tongue.
“Do you?” she asked, barely able to respond and wondering if her eyes were rolling in the back of her head. She felt her hips moving with each flick of his tongue and couldn’t stay still even if she wanted to.
When he sucked her clitoris, she screamed his name. But he didn’t let up. As if her clit was the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted, his fingers parted her even more and he used his other hand to lift her hips. She could feel his tongue actually going deeper, licking all the way and applying a hard suction to certain spots.
It was as if he knew just those areas of her body that would make her shatter. As if he was fine-tuning her for both their pleasure. How could any man possess both a fierceness and gentleness when making love to a woman?
Suddenly she couldn’t think any more as her entire body exploded into what seemed like a million pieces, with each piece sensitive to his touch. Before she could get her second wind, he came up over her and entered her in one hard thrust.
She was pinned to the bed as her head thrashed from right to left and she felt an intensity of pleasure she hadn’t thought was possible. She was convinced this degree of ecstasy could only come from Striker. He knew just where to strike, for how long and how deep. The man was perfection in the bedroom.
And then he took her mouth again. It happened again, this explosion more powerful than the last. She felt her entire body shaking from one end to the other. She clutched the bedcovers, trying to keep everything from spinning. Too late. It was as if her entire body had blasted off into outer space.
And like he’d said, he didn’t let up. He kept thrusting, pounding, holding her hips steady to receive one hard strike after another. The most pleasurable strikes she’d ever received.
From her Striker.
She drew in a sharp breath that was quickly absorbed by his mouth. No matter how much they enjoyed pleasuring each other, he was not her Striker. She must never let such foolish thoughts enter her mind. Although he admitted she was now more than a job, she knew all she was to him was another bed partner.
He released her mouth to let out one huge guttural growl.
When she actually felt Striker getting hard inside her again, she blinked, thinking she had to be imagining things. But when he quickly pulled out of her and went to the bathroom, only to come back and put on another condom, she knew she hadn’t imagined anything.
He eased back between her legs and entered her in one smooth thrust. He began moving, thrusting hard, like he hadn’t just had an orgasm moments earlier. She released a needy moan when sensations began building inside her again. How was that possible? Striker Jennings had to be the most virile man she knew. What other man could do this?
Striker could. And Striker did.
STRIKER GATHERED MARGO into his arms and held her. When had he become such a greedy ass? It was as if every time he was inside her body he felt at home. He felt the need to take her to the heights he’d always wanted to climb.
While making love to her, he’d felt on top of the highest mountain. On top of the world. Parasailing across the damn Atlantic Ocean. How could any one woman make him feel that way?