Forbidden: Claude (Second in Command #2)(16)

“Ye are no’ leavin’ before ye give yer wife one more kiss,” said Isobel, reaching up as Conlin reached down from the horse to kiss his wife. Their three sons gathered around her, bidding their father a safe journey.

“Goodbye, Father. Goodbye, Toft.” Rose hugged and kissed her husband right in front of Claude. It made him very uncomfortable. He wished it was him she was kissing and hugging instead. He should be married to her right now instead of Toft.

“Claude,” said Toft, clasping hands with him. “Can I count on you to watch over my wife until my return? Will you treat her as if you were me?”

“I will,” said Claude.

He heard Evelina clear her throat, trying to say something without coming out with words. He could only imagine what message she was trying to give him.

The party left, and Rose wiped a tear from her eye. “Claude, I am so frightened to birth this baby without my husband or father here.” She reached out and hugged Claude. He slowly put his arms around her.

“It will be all right, my lady. I am here and will serve you however I can. I will nurture you and protect you. There is no need to fear anything as long as I am at your side.”

It felt damned good to hold Rose in his arms, although it was very awkward with her large stomach in the way. Thoughts flitted through his head of when he’d first met her. They were both so young. He was the one who needed comforting, being in a new land and finding out John was his father. He hadn’t thought his parents were going to end up together. Neither did he think he would ever be the son his father wanted him to be. Rose had been there to support him. She had been the one to comfort him and encourage him, making him feel his life wasn’t as awful as he thought.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Evelina holding Harry’s hand. She had a smirk on her face, making him feel uncomfortable that he held Rose in his embrace. He couldn’t help thinking of all the horrible things she said to him last night. She’d accused him of still being in love with Rose and wanting Rose to be in love with him as well. It wasn’t at all the truth. Or was it? He released Rose and quickly stepped away.

“Claude Jean,” called his mother. Celestine approached, holding Charlotte’s hand. His father, John, was with them.

“Mother,” he said, reaching out to hug her, just to keep away from Rose when Evelina was watching.

“Son, I have to leave for Winchelsea,” said his father. He clasped hands with Claude and slapped him on the back to say goodbye.

“Safe journeys, Father.”

“After Rose’s baby is born, I want you to come to Winchelsea for a while,” John told him. “You have yet to see the new castle. It is in the final stages of being built.”

“I will,” Claude promised. “I’d like to pay a visit to Hastings as well while I’m here.”

“I’m not sure that is a good idea,” John told him. “The ruins of Hastings Castle are only a reminder of a dreadful day. It upsets me still.”

“I know it won’t be easy, but that is where my grandfather lost his life. I would like to pay my respects,” Claude told him. “Perhaps seeing it again will help me come to terms with what happened.”

“You are a fine son, Claude,” said his father with admiration in his eyes. “I am proud of you. However, I don’t like the fact you have inherited your grandfather’s demesne because it only takes you away from me. I feel as if I have already missed out on so much of your life. Will you ever consider making England your home? If so, I have a place for you in Winchelsea.”

“I don’t think so, Father. France is my home, and it is where I will stay.”

“I understand.” John’s eyes held sadness as he said his goodbyes to Charlotte and Celestine, and rode out through the gate.

Leaving his father so soon after first meeting him at the age of five and ten years old was not easy. Claude would have liked to spend more time getting to know the father he lived without for most of his life. John Montague might not have always been honorable, but he changed for the better after getting back together with Celestine. Claude didn’t know how his mother ever worked through the hardships in her life. Being away from her, living in France, is one of the things Claude regretted.

“Ladies, I invite ye to join me in the solar to do some sewin’,” Isobel told the noblewomen of the castle. “I am stitchin’ a blanket for the new baby.” Rose rubbed her hand over her stomach and smiled, looking downward. Claude had never seen the girl so happy in all her life. Her complexion almost seemed to glow.

“Claude, please come to the solar with me,” Rose begged him.

“Me?” He looked around at the ladies of the castle watching him intently. His mother nodded slightly. They all seemed eager to have him there except for the nursemaid who was scowling at him.

“I have been feeling a few light pains,” said Rose, rubbing her belly. “Oh, I felt the baby kick. Claude, you must feel this. You won’t believe it.” Rose grabbed his hand and laid it on her stomach, covering his hand with hers to hold it in place. Sure enough, Claude felt a kick against his hand and jumped back in surprise.

“Does the baby always kick that much?” he asked, having never felt anything like it.

Celestine laughed. “Claude, you kicked like a mule before you were born. Your grandfather used to say that meant you were going to be trouble.”

Elizabeth Rose's Books