Flock (The Ravenhood #1)(36)

That look was something else entirely.

“So, do I tell him?”

“That you stared at his roommate’s dick so long you got busted?”

Christy laughs on the other side of the line, enjoying herself at my expense as I unpack the grocery bags, mostly trying to find a place for the guilt cloud I’ve been under all day.

I’m completely inexperienced with the ‘I saw your roommate’s dick, and I liked it so much I gave you a guilty morning blow job’ confession. Christy is doing little to help me as I search the bachelors’ kitchen for what I need, having spent half a paycheck on a steak dinner while frosting the ‘I really only want you, but I couldn’t resist’ carrot cake I baked to make up for the lingering remorse. Because they, whoever the hell they are, say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I’m hoping it’s also the way to a sincere apology. One that I will give as soon as I can figure out how to explain myself.

I don’t want to ruin any part of what we have going for being a peeping Thomasina.

“Yeah, girl, tell him his roommate needs to cover his junk and make it sound convincing.”

“That’s lying.”

“That’s the truth. It’s not your fault you walked out of the bathroom and got eye fucked.”

“Yeah, but I’m the one who—”

“Babe. He doesn’t need to know that. I’ll be honest though, if you had spoken up this morning, it would have seemed a lot more convincing.”

We were out of the house within minutes of waking up, and I was thankful because it meant escaping Dominic. After we picked up Sean’s car from the bar where Tyler retrieved us drunk last night, we went hiking. I bitched the first half-hour because of my pounding head but felt a lot better halfway in after a lot of hydrating. Sean hates being inside. Whether I stand by and talk to him while he’s screwing with his car, or we swim or hike, the outdoors is his happy place. He’s a restless man from what I can tell, definitely not a fan of Netflix and chill, and the chill part is never chill. The man is magic with his mouth, hands, and cock, and he would much rather bend me over a tree stump in the woods than take me on his living room couch.

The upside to that is there’s never a dull moment. Even our earlier grocery trip was an adventure. He forced me to stand on the lip of the cart while he sped us down the aisles popping grapes into our mouths. Though he’s agreed to let me cook for him on our day off, I have zero doubt he will get us out of the house after. It’s as if he has to exhaust himself before he hits his pillow. Despite his warnings that he doesn’t do things in the traditional sense, this period in our new relationship feels a lot like nesting, which is why I’m playing house with him today, and I don’t want to screw it up. Finding a boyfriend after only a day in town was not at all what I expected, but finding Sean was a miracle.

The fact that my feelings are getting involved has made this betrayal far worse in my mind. Especially after this morning.

Sean doesn’t seem the jealous type, but if I’m wrong, my admission could be disastrous.

“I need to get my ass up there if they’re as hot as you say.”

“Focus,” I order, looking for a cutting board. “New man. Saw other man’s member.”

“You said they share, right?”

“It’s a rumor. Has to be.”


“Because…I don’t know. I just can’t picture it.”

“Freaks hide in plain sight, baby. You’re living proof.”

“Shut up. Shut up! I don’t know why I called you.”

“Because you lurve me, and because you were dying to tell me you had multiples. Finally.”

“Christy. Listen to me. I could fall for this man.”

“Damn, already?”

“I know, I know, it’s too soon and so stupid. But he’s incredible.”

“I believe you from what you said. Just be careful, okay?”

“How do you do that?”

“I don’t know. That’s the advice I’m supposed to give you. Once you start falling it’s kind of impossible to stop, isn’t it?”

“Exactly. This is a disaster.”

“Don’t be so dramatic. Tell the man you saw his roommate naked and be done with it.”

“Fine. I will.”

“And take a fucking picture, for Christ’s sake, God invented camera phones specifically for shit like this.”

“Sean doesn’t want me to have my phone when we’re together. I’m going to have to hide it before he gets back.” I wince, knowing how damning it sounds and I’m met by a moment of complete silence on the other end.

“That’s a little controlling, don’t you think?”

“He just hates the distraction of it. He wants me present when we’re together.”

“That’s kind of hot.”

“He’s different, I’m telling you.”

“Well, just rip the Band-Aid off now. If he goes psycho, at least you find out now, rather than later.”

“Good point. Christy, I’m in over my head already with this guy. He just makes me think…differently, makes me feel…gah, what the hell am I doing?”

Kate Stewart's Books