Fisher's Light(38)
“As you know, we’ve had several interested buyers for that property over the years and you’ve never expressed any interest in working with them before. I know you’ve met Stanford Wallis and I’ve heard that you two have been spending time together lately.”
The disapproval is loud and clear in his voice. He almost sounds more irritated that I’m with Stanford than he was when I was with his son, and that just pisses me off for Fisher. His father never appreciated him, never saw the passion behind the choices he made for his life and did nothing but badger him about not following in his footsteps.
“Stanford is a very intelligent young man with a good head for business. I’m quite proud of the work he’s been doing for me lately, and he’s shared with me that he’s been doing some consulting with you on the side. The ideas he has for Butler House and its future on this island are nothing short of amazing. We need to step it up into the next century, give it an update, make it more appealing to the young people who frequent the island looking for the newest trends, the hottest nightspots and the most stylish décor,” he explains.
What he’s saying isn’t news to me. Stanford has been completely open and honest since day one about his desire to buy Butler House from me and turn the place into an elaborate resort, complete with waterpark, nightclub and day spa. He knows how much I adore my family’s inn and how I can’t imagine changing anything about it, so he doesn’t push it. That doesn’t stop him from throwing out ideas now and then and attempting to change my mind, but at least he’s not rude or pushy about it like Mr. Fisher.
“As you are aware, Fisher Bank and Trust holds the mortgage to Butler House and I’ve been reviewing the data Stanford has been compiling regarding your financial situation and putting into a spreadsheet for you. Let’s be honest here, Ms. Butler. The inn is not doing as well as it should. As well as it could. You’re sinking, and you’re sinking fast. You may well have lost the inn to foreclosure had spring weather not come early this year and brought vacationers to the island before summer season. You’re a young woman, and you could potentially make hundreds of thousands of dollars on the sale of this property. It’s in a prime location right by the ferry and it’s the first thing people see when they step off the boat and onto the dock. You could retire at the age of thirty and live a life of relative leisure. The business is struggling and you’re in over your head. I think it’s high time you reconsider the ideas that Stanford has, especially if the two of you are seriously going to make a go at this relationship.”
I hate the sound of disgust in his voice when he mentions my relationship with Stanford. It’s none of his business who I choose to date and, regardless of the fact that his bank owns my loan, it’s none of his business what I do with the inn as long as I’m not late again with my mortgage payments. It’s been touch and go for a while now, but I’m making it work. I will do whatever it takes to make it work and he needs to back the hell off.
“I appreciate your concern, Mr. Fisher, but Butler House has always been a part of my family and that’s where it’s going to stay,” I tell him in the nicest voice possible and try not to grit my teeth. “I think it’s about time you worry about your own family instead of what I’m doing with my life. Maybe if you concentrated on the intelligent man that is your flesh and blood, you wouldn’t have so much free time to worry about what I’m doing.”
It feels so good to tell this man what I think of him that I don’t even stop to think about someone overhearing. I’ve held my tongue for so many years out of respect for Fisher, but now that we aren’t together, I don’t have to do that anymore.
“You have a son who is smart, honest, creative and has a very good head on his shoulders. Just because he did something different with his life than what you planned for him doesn’t give you the right to shit all over him and pretend like he doesn’t exist. Fisher is a better man than you’ll ever be on his worst day, and it’s nothing but sad and pathetic that you can’t even see what is right in front of your face. All these years, he’s done everything you’ve asked except work in the family business. He’s lied for you, put up a front for you for everyone in this stupid town and you’ve never once thanked him. Hell, your son served this country for almost thirteen years and you never once told him you’re proud of him. No wonder he can’t stand this place and everything it represents.”
I finally stop to take a breath, noticing a vein sticking so far out of Mr. Fisher’s forehead that looks like it’s about to pop. His face is so red that I’m surprised there isn’t smoke coming out of his ears.
Tara Sivec's Books
- Where Shadows Meet
- Destiny Mine (Tormentor Mine #3)
- A Covert Affair (Deadly Ops #5)
- Save the Date
- Part-Time Lover (Part-Time Lover #1)
- My Plain Jane (The Lady Janies #2)
- Getting Schooled (Getting Some #1)
- Midnight Wolf (Shifters Unbound #11)
- Speakeasy (True North #5)
- The Good Luck Sister (Wildstone #1.5)