Fisher's Light(116)

Whatever is going on with my father right now, I can only hope it continues because he has a whole new generation to be there for and to love and cherish.

Getting down on my knees in the sand, I hold onto Lucy’s hips and press my lips to her stomach.

“There’s hope for you yet, little one. Your grandfather might actually turn out to be a decent human being by the time you get here,” I speak softly.

Lucy laughs and runs her fingers through my hair as she smiles down at me. I stare up at her as the wind ruffles her curls and the sun forms a halo behind her, reminding me yet again that she is my angel and the child she carries inside of her is just the beginning of the amazing future we’re going to have together on this island. We no longer have to worry about the security of the inn, Ellie and Bobby can get married on the veranda just like they planned, our children will be born close together and will obviously grow up to be best friends, and Lucy and I can grow old together in the place where our story began, but will never, ever end. Rumor even has it that Melanie got her hooks into Stanford and they’ve fallen madly in love, so that’s two less annoyances Lucy and I will ever have to worry about. I’m sad that Trip will miss out on meeting his great-grandchild, but maybe my father really is turning over a new leaf and he can be a better grandfather than he was a father.

“Thank you for meeting me at the lighthouse,” I whisper.

Lucy pulls me up from the sand and wraps her arms around my shoulders, smiling at me through the tears.

“Thank you for finding your way back to me.”

The End


Thank you to my amazing beta readers Stephanie Johnson and Michelle Kannan. Thank you for being excited whenever I ask you if you want to read something, thank you for catching things that I completely miss and thank you for being wonderful friends and readers.

Thank you to my editor, Nikki Rushbrook, who isn’t afraid to call me a heifer and tell me when something absolutely sucks. You always enhance my stories in such a way that I could never do alone and I’m so thankful for you.

To my publicist, Donna Soluri – you complete me. Thank you for talking me down from the ledges…all the ledges.

Thank you to Shelly White Collins for telling me about the song “Storm” by Lifehouse. This song MAKES this story and I’m so glad you suggested it!

Thank you to Steve and Maggi Myers for answering all of my scuba questions! I hope my constant texting wasn’t too annoying.

Thank you to Danielle Torella of Pushy Girl Paintings for the awesome drawings of Lucy and Fisher’s signs! Thank you for dealing with my crazy ass and for making them so much more than I imagined!

Thank you to all of the blogs who take time out of their busy schedules to share teasers and cover reveals and purchase links and all of the other thousands of things you do to help authors. Your support is never ending and it means the world to me.

Thank you to the most amazing author friends a girl could ask for – Jenn Cooksey, Beth Ehemann, Jasinda Wilder and Jenn Sterling. Thank you for your friendship, your support and your encouragement. I love you all more than words can say.

Last but certainly not least, thank you to every man and woman who fight for our country. Thank you for your selflessness and for your dedication to our freedom. Thank you for leaving your families to protect us and thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your service.

Tara Sivec's Books