Fatal Reckoning (Fatal #14)(92)

“We’ve got witnesses turning up dead or injured.” He filled Hill in on what’d happened to Davis and Viera.

“Jesus. We got the lab back from the card that Lieutenant Holland submitted. The only prints on it were hers, so that’s a dead end. And Lieutenant Archelotta was unable to determine who archived the footage from G Street.”

Sam boiled with frustration as two leads failed to turn up anything that could help.

“It’s time to put some serious pressure on Conklin,” Malone said. “He’s the key to this whole thing.”

“Agreed. I’ll get him back into interrogation within the hour.”

“Lieutenant Holland and I are going by the GW ER to check on Viera, and then we’ll be back to the house.”

“I’ll wait for you.”

The line went dead.

Sam realized her hands were shaking so she tucked them under her legs.

When they were stopped at a red light, Malone glanced over at her. “Talk to me.”

“What do you want me to say?”

“Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“I’m thinking someone is going to an awful lot of trouble to make sure we don’t solve this case—and they’ve been doing that for four years now with my dad, perhaps as long as decades with Steven Coyne. Knowing it was all intentional… The roadblocks, the dead ends… That makes it so much worse.”

“I know.” He tightened his grip on the wheel. “Makes me want to kill someone. I can only imagine how you must feel.”

“I want to see the messenger bag and what was in it.”

“Let’s see what’s up with Viera, and then we’ll check it out.”

She appreciated that he understood her need to see that bag. “We need people on Viera to make sure whoever put him in the hospital doesn’t try to finish the job while he’s there.”

Malone put through a call to the Patrol officer in charge and requested coverage at GW.

“Yes, sir. The officers who took the initial call are accompanying him to the ER. We’ll instruct them to stay with him.”

“Very good. Thank you.”

Sam breathed a small sigh of relief at knowing Viera would be protected. “What about Alice?”

“Alice Coyne?”

“Yes. She’s been talking to me, giving me context. I was there earlier today. If I was being followed, they know she’s cooperating.”

Malone redialed the Patrol officer in charge. “Get me two people at the home of Alice Coyne Fitzgerald as well.” He recited the address. “Immediately.”

“Yes, sir.”

Malone ended the call. “You should call her and tell her what’s going on, so she knows why there’re cops posted outside her house.”

Sam’s hands were still trembling when she placed the call to Alice.

“Hi, honey. Did you think of something else you needed to know?”

“Not yet.” Sam closed her eyes and said the words that Alice needed to hear, hating that she had to bring a new horror to a woman who’d already seen more than her share.

Alice gasped. “What would they want with me?”

“I don’t think they’d want anything, but I’m not taking any chances with your safety.”


“We’re closing in on whoever shot my dad and possibly Steven too. They’re getting desperate. You have to let us keep you safe.”

“Of course, but I’m afraid.”

“Don’t be. Our officers will be there until this is over, and I’ll check on you myself later. I promise.”

“Okay.” She sounded shaky but resolved.

“I’ll be in touch.”

“It’s the right thing to do,” Malone said after Sam ended the call.

“Even if it scares the hell out a woman who’s already had more than her share?”

“Even if. Better safe than sorry.”

They arrived at GW and entered through the emergency doors to find the waiting room full of uniformed paramedics.

Sam recognized Branson among them and made her way to him. “How is he?”

“We don’t know anything yet.” The same man who’d been so friendly to her only a few days ago could barely look at her now, which meant he blamed her for the fact that his friend and colleague had been hurt. “But the first responders said it was bad. They had to cut him out.”

“Were there witnesses?”

“Not that I know of.”

“We’ll pull the film from the area.”

“You do that.”

“I get that you’re pissed—”

“I’m glad you get it. He’s a good guy who did the right thing, and where did that get him? Did you know his girlfriend is expecting their first child? That’s her over there. She’s had a difficult pregnancy and is supposed to be on bed rest. They’re going to admit her because they’re afraid she’ll lose the baby.”

“I’m sorry this has happened to them both. To all of you.”

“So am I. If he dies…” Branson shook his head.

“Let’s pray that he doesn’t.”

Someone called to Branson, and he walked away, leaving her feeling completely alone in a room full of people.

Marie Force's Books