Fatal Reckoning (Fatal #14)(101)

“I know.”

“I so appreciate you coming to tell me this yourself. It means the world to me. It’s what your father would’ve done.”

Sam took Alice’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “Hearing that means the world to me.”

They stood, and Alice hugged her for a long time. “People have used the word closure over the years. That’s what you brought me today, and I’m thankful to you and everyone else who worked on Steven’s case. Will you pass along my thanks to them?”

“I will. And I’ll keep you posted of any developments.” Sam was struck with an idea that was too powerful to resist. “I met a woman this week, someone just like you—newly married, madly in love with her husband, a DEA agent who was shot and killed.”

“I read about that.”

“I’m starting a support group for victims of violent crime. If you are willing, perhaps I could introduce you to Roni. As someone who has taken the same journey, you might be able to help her.”

“I’m not sure if I could do anything for her, but I’d be happy to try.”

“I’ll call you about it.”

Alice walked them to the door and held out a hand to Nick. “I’m honored to have had you visit my home.”

“The honor was all mine. I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ll wait for you outside, Sam.”

When they were alone, Alice smiled at Sam. “Got yourself a handsome one there.”

“He is that.”

“Hold on tight to what you have with him and enjoy every minute.”

“I will.” Sam hugged her again, feeling closer to her dad in Alice’s presence, knowing how important she and her late husband had been to Skip.

“You stay safe, you hear me? Nothing is more important than your life, and if you’re in the area, come by and see me.”

“I’ll do that.” Sam left her with a smile and went out to the front porch, where Nick waited for her. “And I’ll be in touch about the group.”

“I’ll look forward to hearing from you.”

Sam took hold of the hand Nick held out to her. “Let’s go home.” Her dad wouldn’t be there, but her house was full of people who loved her, and she would carry Skip in her heart everywhere she went for the rest of her life. His voice would be in her head every day, his hand on her shoulder, guiding her the way he always had. He wouldn’t want her to get sucked into the rabbit hole of despair and grief. He’d tell her to quit her moping and get back to doing the best job ever.

So that was what she’d do even if she’d miss him every step of the way.


SAM RAISED HER right hand and swore to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth while making a studious effort not to look at the repulsive face of the man who’d tried to kill her—twice. He would be tried for both attacks at this trial, and Sam focused on remaining calm.

Nick sat in the front row of the gallery, his steady gaze fixed on her as she talked about events they’d both sooner forget.

“Can you identify Leonard Stahl in the courtroom today?”

Sam pointed to the defendant. He’d lost a significant amount of weight since he’d been in jail, but he stared back at her with the hateful, beady eyes that brought back horrific memories she hoped she’d never again have to think about after today.

They went through the events that had led to him attacking her on her front porch.

“Did you feel that Mr. Stahl intended to kill you that day?”

“Absolutely. If my son’s Secret Service detail hadn’t been there, he probably would’ve succeeded.”



Faith gave Sam a smug look that only she could see. “Why would Mr. Stahl want to kill you?”

“I don’t know exactly. He hated me from the time I first joined the force and went out of his way to make my life miserable when I worked for him. I always suspected his animosity stemmed from his dislike of my father.”



“Do you know why he disliked your father?”

“No, neither of us knew. We suspected he might be jealous because my father, who was a year senior to him, had been more successful in his career. But beyond that, we never knew why. And then when Stahl was reassigned to Internal Affairs and I was put in charge of the Homicide squad, his ire toward me seemed to intensify.” If she were to glance in Stahl’s direction, she suspected his face might be that hideous shade of purple that it took on when he became enraged. She’d seen a lot of that colorful face over the years.

But she didn’t look. She didn’t care enough to be bothered looking.

“Prior to the incident on your front porch, had anything happened between yourself and Mr. Stahl?”

“So many things. We constantly butted heads, most of the time over manufactured offenses that he used to try to discredit me.”

“Had he ever threatened you before the day on your front porch?”

“Numerous times. He brought me up before the Internal Affairs Board on charges of misconduct on two occasions, the first over my involvement with Nick Cappuano during the O’Connor investigation. When I only received a suspension for that, he said, ‘You may think you’ve won this round, Holland, but you mark my words—I’ll get rid of you if it’s the last thing I ever do.’” Sam had memorized the details of the various incidents in anticipation of testifying.

Marie Force's Books