Family Camp (Daddy Dearest, #1)(22)

Geo herded Lucy in that direction, hands on her shoulders. He looked for Jayden, but he was with Van and her boys and he didn’t spare Geo a glance to ask if it was okay. He was already so much a teenager, and he wasn’t even thirteen yet. But at least he seemed to be having fun.

The camp dining hall had a cafeteria line, with old-fashioned plastic trays in marbled gray and lavender. There were pancakes, eggs, sausage, potatoes, toast, yogurt, and fruit. He helped Lucy pick out some items he thought she might eat. When they came out with their trays, he saw Travis at a table at the far end with the other counselors and an older man. Was that James Mayhew, camp owner and Travis’s dad? Geo would love a chance to talk to him at some point, ask him about his experience fostering and adopting so many kids.

Geo led Lucy to a nearby table where there were a few empty spots across from Bridget and Van. Jayden, Striker, and Aiden were down at the far end of the same table, already inhaling their food.

“Mind if we barge in?” Geo asked.

“Sit!” Bridget said. “We were saving that spot for you.”

“You were?” Geo gasped with exaggerated delight.

Van laughed. “How’d you sleep, Geo? The mattresses here are legendary for their lumpiness.”

“Really? I didn’t notice.” Geo had been too busy grinning up at the ceiling and mentally replaying Travis’s bunny hop. “Here, Luce Goose. Let me open your juice.” He fussed over Lucy, cutting up her one pancake and nudging her plate so the single spoonful of eggs was in front, hoping she’d try them. He glanced down the table. Jayden’s plate was loaded with pancakes and nothing else. Geo would have to try to get him to eat some fruit later.

“So what are you guys signed up for today?” Bridget asked.

Geo smeared jam on a piece of toast. “Lucy and I have crafts this morning.”

“I help out with crafts,” Van said. “So I’ll see you there. The boys are going on the hike to Goat Rocks. Maybe Jayden will want to go.”

“Yeah, I think Travis signed him up for that,” Geo said, then wished he hadn’t when Bridget and Van both stared at him.

“Um… Jayden was a little resistant to the idea of things like ‘hiking’ and ‘canoeing.’ So seeing Stryker and Aiden’s enthusiasm has been helpful.” He smiled at Van, hoping to steer the conversation away from Travis. “Your little guys are so open to everything. Good job, you.”

Van huffed. “Oh, they’re enthusiastic all right. Anything that they can do outdoors, they love. The dirtier and sweatier the better. Especially when Travis is involved.” She turned around and spotted him at the back table. She smiled.

Geo followed her gaze and saw Travis looking at them. But Travis quickly looked away.

“How about you, Lucy? You ready for a fun day at camp?” Bridget asked Lucy, looking down at her with a wide-eyed expression.

Lucy looked up, regarding Bridget solemnly. “Camp,” she agreed. She clutched her dolls to her chest with one arm so she could pick up her fork and take a bite of pancake.

Geo felt a little thrill. She’d said ‘camp.’ Did that mean she liked camp? Awesome.

“Maybe we’ll get to do some finger-painting in crafts, huh, Luce?” Geo said.

“For sure,” said Van. “They lay down a huge tarp, and all the kids can take a section of it. Would you like to paint on a tarp, Lucy? It’s like a biiiig sheet.” Van held her arms wide.

Lucy nodded fervently.

“Why don’t you go on the hike, Geo?” Bridget suggested. “I’m hanging out for crafts too. Me and Aimee. We can watch Lucy.”

Van jumped from what seemed suspiciously like a kick under the table.

“Uh…sure,” Van said brightly. “We can keep an eye on her if you want to go on the hike. It’s very scenic, I’m told.”

“Um, hmmm.” Geo was tempted. It had been a long time since he’d had time to go out on the weekend and just hike. And this area was so beautiful. He longed to take off into the woods.

“I dunno,” Geo said quietly. Lucy’s hair was already coming out of the ponytail holder and he pushed an escaping strand behind her ear. She shook her head with displeasure, and he let his hand drop. “She’s pretty shy.”

Bridget clucked her tongue. “I get it. But believe me when I say that all the activities here are well-supervised. And Van and I will watch her. It’s good to let them build up a little independence. She’ll be going to school in the fall?”

Geo nodded. It was a very good special-needs school. Hopefully, one year there receiving extra help would get her ready for first grade. But it still meant Lucy would be gone all day while Geo was teaching. “Yup. Lucy’s going to a big-girl school soon. Huh, Luce?”

She nodded, chewing her pancake.

Bridget’s expression became tender. “Hey, sweetie. How about you help me paint after lunch? You can help me pick some colors. What would you like to paint? A house? Some trees?”

Lucy thought about it. “Dog. Paint Max?”

“Travis’s dog, Max? Sure. I bet we can find the perfect color for his fur.”

“Take it from me,” Van added. “Get a break when you can get it. Otherwise, you’ll burn yourself out.”

Geo knew she was right. They’d told him the same thing at foster care counseling. That was why having an extended network as a single parent was so important. They’d interviewed Geo’s parents, for example, and a few of his teacher friends from work. But despite the offers of help he’d gotten from friends and family, he’d basically not let Lucy out of his sight since he picked her up from foster care. Maybe it would be good for Lucy to have a little independent time. And for him to do something with just Jayden.

Eli Easton's Books