Family Camp (Daddy Dearest, #1)(13)

“Dude.” Travis shook his head. “What are you gonna do? Sit in your cabin alone? Watch your toenails grow? You gotta do archery at least. Have you seen Green Arrow? It’s dope.”

Jayden chewed on his lip, looking torn, like he wanted to agree but was afraid to. Travis remembered that age. Remembered how he didn’t want to do anything when he’d first moved in with the Mayhews. His first time at camp was a whole lot of “nope.” And he tried to remember why. He’d been afraid to make a fool out of himself, afraid to look like a loser. At that age, straight out of foster care, he’d do anything to avoid even a hint of ridicule or pity.

Was Jayden that fragile? Travis’s throat got a little tight.

“Tell you what,” Travis said. “I can pretty much guess what Stryker and Aiden will do. The Goat Rocks hike for sure. It cool if I put you down for that?”

Jayden hesitated, then reluctantly nodded.

“And I run the family baseball game. I’d love it if you’d hang with me. Stryker and Aiden will absolutely be there.”

“I know how to play baseball,” Jayden said proudly. He mimicked throwing a ball with a wild overhand gesture and then pretend-ran in place.

Travis could tell it was all bluff. But he said, “Nice moves. So can I sign you up?”

“You teach those classes? Like yourself?” Jayden asked doubtfully.

“Sure do.”

“Okaaaay,” Jayden said glumly, like it was a huge concession. He leaned in to watch as Travis marked the squares.

“What about the canoe trip? Best thing all week,” Travis said, pen hovering.

“Oh hell, no. I ain’t goin’ on no canoe. You can drown.”

“Come on, dude. I promise no one has ever drowned on our canoe trip. We paddle out to Devil’s Island. The legend is that pirates used to stop there. You have to see it.”

“But what if I fall out?”

“Won’t happen. First of all, everyone wears a life jacket, so even if you did fall in, you’d be fine. And secondly, I’m going. If you fell in, I’d pull you out. I know Stryker and Aiden are going. It’s the best trip of the week, trust me.”

Travis glanced at Geo, who had his lips pressed together, as if he were resisting adding in his own encouragement. Probably wise. Jayden would likely just argue with him.

Jayden shrugged. “I guess pirates are cool.” He turned to Geo. “Now can I go look for Stryker and Aiden? They said they’re in cabin 15. Pleeeeease?”

“Yeah, do eet,” Geo told Jayden with an Arnold voice. Jayden took off.

Lucy was now sitting cross-legged on the floor, dolls in her lap. Max was in the best, most polite, “good boy” sit in front of her, staring into her dark eyes as she petted him with both hands. The two of them were in their own little world. Travis’s heart thumped warmly just looking at them.

Geo let out an audible breath. “Well, that was amazing. Thanks for getting Jayden on board with some activities.” He raked a nervous hand through his hair and laughed at himself. “Man, I feel like I’m always thanking you. I’m not normally this incapable of handling things. I’m normally the guy at the front of the group with the clipboard and the ‘obey me now’ voice.” He mimicked a thundering voice. “But with these two… Anyway. Thanks again. You’re really good with Jayden.”

The self-deprecating words tugged on Travis’s sympathy. But another part of him flared up again. What was wrong with “these two”? They were challenging, maybe. But that’s what happened when you spent years being moved around like fucking furniture. And Geo would just be another stop on the way, another place they had to leave. It pissed him off.

“Well, I’m sure you hoped to keep them busy this week. And out of your hair,” he said bitterly.

Geo’s smile faded and he blinked. “No. I mean, yes, I want Jayden to have a good time and experience some new things on his own, but… I was really hoping for some bonding. That’s what Family Camp is for, right? Family bonding?”

“Family bonding,” Travis repeated flatly.

Geo nodded. He lowered his voice. “I’ve only had them for six weeks. So. We’re a work in progress.” He looked at Lucy as he said this, and a sad smile graced those stupidly full lips.

You’ve only had them six weeks. Great. And when will you turn them in? At the end of the summer? After you’ve tired of playing happy families?

Honestly, Travis wanted nothing to do with the entire situation. If they hadn’t all been stuck at Family Camp, he would have walked away, gladly and right now. But they were stuck at Family Camp. And there was Jayden to think about. Travis really liked the kid. He wanted to see Jayden have a great week. So maybe… maybe Travis should make sure Geo got what he said he wanted—and then some.

Yeah, champ. Let’s see how much you really want family bonding.

Travis still held the activity sheets. He checked off a new box on Geo’s and Lucy’s forms. “Canoe trip. Two this afternoon. Be there with Lucy.” He went over to the slotted box on the table and put the forms inside. Done deal.

“Um…okay.” Geo said. “I actually thought that would be fun to all do together, but since Jayden didn’t want to go…”

Travis ignored him. He squatted down. “Hey, Princess Lucy. Good job petting Max. He really likes you.”

Eli Easton's Books