Fallen Crest High(35)

It was. Privacy was always good, but it wasn't long before a group of girls took the booth beside ours. When we waited for our food to come, they sent flirty looks and smiles Adam's way. I was sure they talked louder for his benefit too.

When the food came, I heard one of the girls exclaim, "I didn't know Nate was in town."

"Oh yeah!" Another shrieked in laughter. "You didn't know? He's been here for a week."

"Whatever, Natalie."

A third offered up, "I heard they're going down the beach to Roussou tonight."

The girls grew quiet for a moment.

"What are they going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"They always do something. When Nate and Mason team up, they always do something. Last year they stole some police cars and then they went on a bender."

"I heard that too. Mason's dad paid off the cops. They vandalized some of the bars. He must've paid the owners off too."

Then the first girl spoke up with authority in her voice, "Well, they're doing something tonight. They disappeared from the beach an hour ago."

"How do you know?"

"Duh. Summer texted me. She's still there."

"Hey." Adam's hand jolted me back to our booth. He gave me a gentle grin.

"You okay?"

"Actually…" I looked down at my plate of pasta. "I'm not hungry."

His smile stretched a bit. "You're not bailing, are you?"

I gave him a weak one in return. "I think I am. I'm sorry. I…I have to do something."

When I got to the house, Mason's Escalade was just starting to leave. I raced towards it and waved my arms in the air. He braked and rolled down his window. "Yeah?"

Nate grinned at me from the passenger seat, but I felt he was laughing at me.

I was breathless from my hurry and panted, "You're going to Roussou? I know where the coach lives."

Mason frowned. "What are you doing?"

"I want to go with you?"

Logan howled from the back seat and a fourth guy started to laugh with him.


"Yes." I grabbed his window when he started to let the vehicle roll forward.

"Let me come."

Nate elbowed him. "Let her come."

"What?" Logan popped his head forward. "No way. No way in hell, Mase."

Mason jerked a thumb towards the back. "Get in." He popped open the back trunk area and I crawled in. My heart was pounding. I knew my face was red, but as soon as I heaved the door shut the Escalade shot forward.

It was an hour drive down the beach. Logan grumbled and sent me a glare every now and then. The fourth friend ignored him and after awhile, started to give me a few grins. He offered me a soda too. Mason and Nate talked with each other and Logan would lean forward to join in.

Something told me that Logan was trying to persuade them to drop me on the side of the road. When they didn't, I relaxed a little. I figured we were too far for them to do that and then we were in the town of Roussou. It was small, but it was rich. A lot of wealthy men owned stock in internet companies, which helped their football program be competitive against Fallen Crest High and it was the reason why an extra sense of rivalry sparked between the two schools. I remembered hearing a rumor that the Roussou team had heavily recruited Mason and Logan for their team.

They'd given them a resounding middle finger.

"Where's the coach's place?" Logan glared at me.

Tijan's Books