Fallen Crest High(22)

"Oh….hi…" Becky had become a third grade little girl.

I sucked in my breath through my teeth and tried to numb down the pain. It felt like fire as it bolted up my arms and through my legs. I couldn't see for a moment when more tears kept threatening to spill out.

A voice asked, "What happened to her hands?"

Becky shuffled around on the sidewalk. I could hear her blushing. "She had an accident."

"Did she scratch some girl's eyeballs out or something?" The same voice laughed and another male voice joined in.

"I dunno. She won't tell me." Becky's voice had grown soft, even weak.

Enough of my tears had cleared and I was able to see who was in front of us.

My heart stopped. Of course. My luck.

Mason was in front with Logan beside him and their friend on his other side.

Logan had been the one asking. Their friend still snickered. And Mason watched me with impenetrable eyes.

I scowled.

Then the friend asked, "Can she drive home with those?"

Becky had been watching the sidewalk, but her head whipped up. "No. I know.

I've been trying to reason with her so I could drive her home, but she won't let me—"

I shook off Mason's hand. He'd been holding my elbow and I surged away. "I'm fine."

"Sam, wait." Becky jogged to catch up.

I bypassed her car.

"I drove you here."

"I'm fine," I repeated through gritted teeth and when I rounded a corner, I started to run. Forget my iPod or running shoes, I was grateful that I'd worn sneakers to school that day. I'd just run home.

And I did, or I tried. At mile ten, I slowed to a walk. My legs hurt from the different sneakers and my back hurt from my bag. When a car slowed beside me, I snarled when I looked over. I was ready for anybody, but David stopped beside me.

The fight left me in that instant.

He reached over and unlocked the passenger door and I climbed in, though my body was stiff.

He blasted the air conditioner and started off again. Then he turned the radio off and leaned back. His voice was weary. "I saw your car still in the lot and I wondered how you'd get home."

I let out a breath. I had nothing to say.

"Then I remembered what you said about Jeff and Jessica and Lydia. Do people know you're staying with the Kades?"

I shook my head. My throat was too thick to talk.

"Yeah, I imagined that." He watched the road and his voice grew distant. "You were always so stubborn and proud. I used to worry about your pride, even when you were three . I always told Analise that it'd either make you or break you. I'm not sure which it is ."

I closed my eyes.

The car turned at an intersection. "I know you might have questions for me, but I'm not sure they're questions that I can answer. Analise always wanted me to keep quiet so I did. I loved her. And now…"

"You raised me all my life."

He stopped the car somewhere and held my gaze.

My heart thumped, it was so loud in my ears.

He looked emotionless, but then he turned away and pressed a hand to his mouth. "I did." He was choked up. "I did, Sammy." And he took a deep breath.

"Listen, if you'd like I can give you a ride to school tomorrow. I know you won't ask anyone and you don't have your car right now."

I realized we were a block from the Kade mansion.

"I will be here at seven tomorrow morning, on the dot. You don't need to call or anything. Actually, don't call. I'll be waiting for you."

Tijan's Books