Faking Forever (First Wives #4)(57)

“How very calculated of you.”

“Isn’t that how I am? I think everything through. I usually mess up the outcome, but I do try and consider all the possibilities before making any decisions.”

Lori smirked. “Two months is a long time.”

“Sixty-two days, actually.”

She laughed. “Not that anyone is counting.” Lori paused. “So does this mean you’ve put the baby daddy thing on hold completely?”

Shannon cut off a piece of cheese and nibbled as she spoke. “It might be a little awkward to go on a first date pregnant with another man’s child.”

“To say the least.”

“It’s only a couple of months. Besides, I don’t feel as settled as I did before going to Mexico. I have two more weddings booked, and I’m closing my doors. I’ve already contacted a couple of colleagues to send referrals. I should sell this house, truly cut my ties to anything that reminds me of my other life.”

“Not your new friends, I hope.”

“Goodness, no. You guys can’t get rid of me that easy. You’re the ones who have kept me fueled. I need experience walking in these new shoes.”

Lori regarded her feet. “What shoes are those?”

“The ones that close the doors on what everyone else thinks I should be and start living for myself again. My aunt Joan, on my mother’s side . . . she pulled me aside the Christmas after Paul and I split. She said to me, ‘Shannon, wait until you’re fifty. You won’t give a crap about what anyone else thinks about you. Wear the red hat and dare people to look.’ She’d been referring to the magazines that jumped on the divorce, but I heard her message. I don’t want to wait until I’m fifty.”

“I can’t wait to see who this new Shannon is.”

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t expect sweeping change. I’m not going to dye my hair pink or anything. Although I might change my name back to Redding.”

“I think that’s a great start.”

“It’s been long enough to where the public doesn’t really know my name, or my face. Or if they do, they can’t place it. Which works for me. I like the anonymity.”

Lori smiled over the rim of her glass. “Or you can wait and see if someone comes along and changes your name for you.”

“Or I can just keep my maiden name and skip being identified as belonging to someone else.” It was easy to say that to Lori, since she hadn’t changed her name legally. Although many people referred to her as Mrs. Barnum.

“Belonging to someone else isn’t a bad thing when it’s the right man.”

“Now you’re starting to sound like Trina.” Their friend absolutely loved being called Mrs. Wade Thomas.

“Speaking of . . . she called me yesterday. She and Wade are coming to town for a spot on Good Morning Los Angeles. She wanted to host an intimate party for Avery and Liam.”

“A baby shower? Isn’t it a bit early?”

“She didn’t call it a shower. She actually suggested getting a little dressed up, giving Avery a reason to wear something pretty before she starts showing and complaining about her figure.”

“That’s very thoughtful of her.”

“I think she just wants an excuse to visit.”

“She doesn’t need an excuse.”

“Okay, maybe she has something to share.”

Shannon’s eyes lit up. “Is she pregnant, too?”

Lori shook her head. “If she is, she didn’t tell me. I’m just guessing that maybe there is something cooking in two of our friends’ ovens.”

Shannon was giddy just thinking about it. “I’m in. Just tell me the date.”

“Mr. Brooks?”

“Yes?” Victor answered the phone in his office two days later.

“There is a Mr. Holt on the line.”

Victor searched his memory bank and came up on empty.

“I don’t know a—”

“He says you know his wife, Avery.”

And like a switch, Victor’s entire body tensed. Why would Avery’s husband be calling him unless something bad had happened? “Yes. Put the call through.”

The line clicked and Victor answered. “Mr. Holt?”

“Call me Liam. Victor Brooks?”

Victor smiled. “Looks like we have the names right. Is Shannon okay?”

The man on the line laughed. “She’s perfectly fine. I hope it’s okay that I’m calling.”

Victor blew out a breath. Adrenaline dumped into his system. “Of course. How’s Avery? The last time I saw her, the mornings weren’t treating her well.”

“This last week seemed to be the end of that. I’m hoping for smooth sailing from here on out.”

Liam sounded like a man Victor would like to know.

“Congratulations, by the way.”

“Thank you. I’m beside myself.”

Victor couldn’t imagine. He’d have to wait a little longer to get there. “What can I do for you, Liam?”

“I’m calling to invite you to a small dinner party. It’s last-minute. But that’s the way the women seem to work.”

The women?

Catherine Bybee's Books