Faking Forever (First Wives #4)(30)

Bad analogy.

Maybe his best friend’s girl.

But then he’d be violating the man code . . .

Never mind. She was just Shannon, the sophisticated female who called him on his shit without invitation.

Damn, she was something to look at. Strange how seeing her naked from across the span of the hotel’s beach made him take a better look at her other features. Or maybe a second look. He’d noticed her beauty on the airplane but dismissed the woman after she gave him crap about his phone call.

It had been important.

Although for the life of him he couldn’t remember what the call was about now.

He needed to pee.

Victor shifted in his chair and ignored his bladder.

Shannon moved to the other side of the pool but didn’t get up.

“I’ve been reduced to a thirteen-year-old,” he said to himself. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen a naked woman before.

But this was Shannon. A woman he would never have an opportunity to see nude.

She was the one parading around a public place in the buff.

Maybe parading was a slight exaggeration . . .

He really needed to pee.

Ten minutes later, with his knee shaking up and down like a kid holding his goods and hopping on one foot, Victor gave in and left his vantage point for the bathroom.

He’d never peed so fast in his entire adult life.

When he returned, both women were standing outside the pool, wrapped in towels.

He cursed the universe but did so quietly. He wasn’t about to give up his location and make the women think they didn’t have complete privacy.

Oh, no. He would be out there watching every chance he could.

He wore linen . . . or something like linen. White pants fit for the beach and a soft gray shirt that floated on his shoulders. He leaned against the edge of the reception desk at the front of the hotel, arms crossed and searching the people walking by.

“Is that Victor?” Avery asked at her side.

Shannon nodded.

“Mmm, mmm.”

Shannon bumped Avery’s side in an effort to stop her obvious appraisal.

“Dylan did well,” Avery said.

“I never had a doubt.”

A few steps closer, and Victor twisted his gaze their way.

They both wore dresses that showed off the sun they’d managed to get after a day on the beach.

Acutely aware of his evaluation, Shannon found her heart skipping.

“Do you hear that?” Avery asked.


“The buzz.”

That man is a bee to your flower. Once again Shannon nudged her friend.

Victor stepped in front of them and smiled. “Don’t you both look refreshing?”

Avery turned a full circle as if on a runway. “Why thank you.” She reached out and touched the edge of Victor’s shirt. “Much better for Tulum.”

He lifted both palms to the air and cocked his head to the side. “I have to admit, shopping with Dylan wasn’t nearly as painful as I thought it would be.” His eyes found Shannon’s and held.

“I’m impressed,” Shannon said after searching for the right words to offer approval without too much personal praise.

His grins were starting to appear more often. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“I’m sure they won’t come often,” she teased.

He laughed.

“We were just headed to dinner. Would you like to join us?”

Avery’s invitation caught Shannon off guard. Inviting Victor had not been on the agenda.

Shannon opened her mouth to quickly offer Victor an out and subtly brush him off but found him talking over her.

“I would love that, Avery. Thank you.”

She snapped her lips shut, held her hands in front of her, and smiled.

His eyes lit up and he paused. “Unless you’d rather not, Shannon.”

He knew he was pushing his way in and was testing her resolve. “I’m sure the restaurant can accommodate three instead of two on the reservation.”

Victor turned toward the busy road and looked both ways. “Taxi? Or can we walk?”

“It’s less than a New York avenue block,” Avery said before leading the way.

They walked on the side of the road in single file to avoiding being run over. Not that the cars were going very fast, but the pedestrian shoulder was barely two feet on either side. Avery led, Shannon walked behind her, and Victor caught the tail.

Shannon felt the heat of his gaze. Every time she glanced behind her, Victor wasn’t looking at her, but she felt his eyes when she turned back around.

“I didn’t realize how many places there were to eat here until I went shopping today,” Victor said.

Small talk? He’s making small talk?

“Where did Dylan take you?” Avery asked.

“The better question would be where he didn’t take me. We grabbed a taxi that took us up the road a good two miles and then walked back. I’m sure the last time I shopped like that my mother had been involved and I was returning to school after summer.”

“Sounds like a good day,” Shannon said.

His voice moved closer behind her.

“I had my fill for the year. I bought enough clothes to last the rest of the vacation and a few things I’m sure I won’t get around to wearing.”

Catherine Bybee's Books