Eye of the Falcon (Psychic Visions #12)(106)

But it was too late.

She’d seen its visions.

Something it knew. Or rather someone it knew.

Then like a weird echo inside her brain, a tiny voice called out to her. “Mommy? Is that you? Where are you?”

But that couldn’t be. Her son had been dead for many years—hadn’t he?

Shaking at the unbelievable horror she didn’t—couldn’t—contemplate, but yet her heart and soul filled with hope, she pulled out her cell phone and the card she’d kept tucked in the back of the phone case for many years. Unable to trust herself to send a text, she dialed the number on the card.


Her heart slammed into her chest. She hadn’t heard that voice in so very long. She’d loved it once, just as she’d loved the man. Then hated both as her life had been ripped to pieces, and he’d been unable to find her son—their son. Whether he knew it or not.

Finally she found her voice. “Kirk?”

A moment’s pause followed. Then he said with a heavy sigh, “Hi, Queenie.”

“I was just wondering, has there been any news?”

“No, nothing,” he said without hesitation. “I’m sorry.” As her silence lengthened, he asked sharply, “Why? Did something happen?”

She gave a strangled laugh and said, “Yes, but you won’t believe me if I try to explain.” And she hung up, sagging into the chair, tears burning the back of her eyes.

Itsy-Bitsy Spider

Author’s Note

Thanks for reading. By now many of you have read my explanation of how I love to see Star Ratings. The only catch is that we as authors have no idea what you think of a book if it’s not reviewed. And yes, every book in a series needs reviews. All it takes is a little as two words: Fun Story. Yep, that’s all. So, if you enjoyed reading, please take a second to let others know you enjoyed.

For those of you who have not read a previous book and have no idea why we authors keep asking you as a reader to take a few minutes to leave even a two word review, here’s more explanation of reviews in this crazy business.

Reviews (not just ratings) help authors qualify for advertising opportunities and help other readers make purchasing decisions. Without triple digit reviews, an author may miss out on valuable advertising opportunities. And with only “star ratings” the author has little chance of participating in certain promotions. Which means fewer sales offered to my favorite readers!

Another reason to take a minute and leave a review is that often a few kind words left in a review can make a huge difference to an author and their muse. Recently new to reviewing fans have left a few words after reading a similar letter and they were tonic to tired muse! LOL Seriously. Star ratings simply do not have the same impact to thank or encourage an author when the writing gets tough.

So please consider taking a moment to write even a handful of words. Writing a review only takes a few minutes of your time. It doesn’t have to be a lengthy book report, just a few words expressing what you enjoyed most about the story. Here are a few tips of how to leave a review.

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Most of all – Thank you for reading. I look forward to hearing from you.

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