Executive Protection(63)

The estate had everything. He chuckled and stood from the desk, looping his arms around her. “Mmm, you’re sweaty enough for a shower.”

“Join me.” She winked.

“What are you doing drinking coffee at this hour?” It was just after dinner.

“Decaf. The cook here makes them better than a coffee shop. How about that shower? Then we can go to bed early.”

“I need to check something out.” He kissed her quickly and moved away before he changed his mind.

“You found something?”

He’d told her about the case he and Thad were carrying out in secret. “Maybe.” He gave her a peck on her mouth. “Don’t wait up for me.”

“You’re going out?”

“I need to see what the chief is up to.”

She looked disappointed but didn’t complain. “Wake me up when you get back.”

Because of what happened to Lucy, she’d taken a few days off work. With Jaden gone, the security detail was solid. Everyone was on heightened alert. Even Kate had agreed to stay put for a while. She was happy Thad had agreed to go to Carova with Lucy. Darcy had seen her smiling and humming a lot.

Darcy was surprised when Thad had asked him to stay here. It would take a lot for his friend to abandon the case, even for a little while. And that something must be Lucy.

“I will.” With one more kiss, he left the room and then the estate. The agent working the gate would alert the others that he wouldn’t be close to Kate.

* * *

Two hours later he was about to give up his watch at Wade’s residence when a car pulled into the driveway. It wasn’t terribly late but it was late enough to make the visit suspicious. A man he didn’t recognize got out and walked toward the front door.

Darcy took pictures of the car and the man, getting a good face shot when he turned to look around. He had a special night-vision camera that Sam had given him. The army sure had some neat toys.

Wishing there was a way to listen in on the nine o’clock meeting, Darcy drove away. He was alone and wouldn’t risk getting caught. The license plate and photos would be enough for now. Besides, he missed Avery. One more stop and he’d go home to her.

At the station he looked up the license plate number and got a name. Andrew Lindeman. He searched several databases and found nothing criminal on the man he’d seen. He’d get a background started on him.

On his way back to Kate’s estate, he tried calling Thad but there was no answer. As he ended the call, he noticed a car behind him. If the silver Lexus sedan was a tail, the driver didn’t care if it was obvious, which didn’t bode well for Darcy. And it looked a lot like the car he’d seen at Wade’s. He couldn’t see the plate, but what were the odds that another silver Lexus would be following him?

He gave his car all the gas it would take. Sure enough, the one behind him did the same.

Darcy took a corner and headed for the freeway. If he could make it to the estate...

The car raced up to his bumper. Darcy swerved and veered around another car on the freeway. The Lexus drove ahead of the other car and then cut Darcy off. Darcy nearly lost control.

The driver of the Lexus was trying to steer him off the road. Darcy avoided a collision with a semi, staying on one side while the Lexus was forced to drive on the other. Darcy slowed, got into the lane behind the semi, then raced up behind the Lexus. He didn’t have to memorize the plate. It was the same one he’d seen at Wade’s.

The rear brake lights of the Lexus lit up. Darcy couldn’t slow enough before ramming into the back bumper. He swerved and once again nearly lost control, doing a swerve through the grassy side before rolling back onto the highway. A car whizzed past, so close he felt the air whoosh by as it passed.

Too late, he saw the Lexus race at an angle across the highway and ram his rear right bumper. Darcy lost control then. His tires squealed as he fought to keep the vehicle straight. And then he ran into the concrete median. The car rolled three times. His driver door crushed inward, nearly pinning him.

When his car went still, he sat upright looking at oncoming traffic. Luckily, he was part on and part off the highway, close to the median.

Aware of car lights behind him, he couldn’t move yet. He was dizzy and disoriented, a surreal feeling. The next thing he knew, a man appeared at his door, reaching in and dragging him outside through the window.

Dropping him on the ground, cold wind blowing, rain beginning to fall, Darcy looked up at a giant of a man wearing a hat but not concealing his face. Dead blue eyes looked down at him and a meaty hand held a pistol at his side.

Avery’s beautiful face was all that came to him in that stark moment.

“Who are you?” the big man asked.

Darcy decided the best thing to do was answer all of his questions. “Detective Darcy Jenkins.”

“Why were you following me?”

“Why were you at Wade Thomas’s house?” He could not show fear to this man.

Watching him ascertain that Darcy didn’t know why he’d gone to Wade’s house, Darcy sensed the danger wane. “If you and your friend don’t stop interfering, I’ll have a bullet for everyone both of you love.”

“Not just Kate Winston?” he dared to throw at the man.

The big man crouched, his pistol beside his leg and aimed for his kidney. “I’ve been real patient with you two so far. But my patience is wearing thin. Back off, or I’ll kill everyone you and your friend love. Do you understand?”

Jennifer Morey's Books