Executive Protection(50)

“I’ve always said he’d make a good one,” Kate said.

“I’m sitting right here,” Thad interjected.

“Sophie adores you,” Kate told him. “The three of you would make a lovely family.”

Lucy watched the observation bounce off Thad’s wall of indifference.

“My mother and I were discussing the possibility that the gunman who’d tried to kill her may have been involved in Sophie’s kidnapping,” he said.

“Go ahead, change the subject,” Lucy said, a little put off by his stubbornness.

He smirked at her and nothing more.

“I’ve been briefed on the case,” Kate said. “No one suggested Wade Thomas has anything to do with it. He isn’t involved in the investigation any more than you are, Thad. And you yourself said you could find no connection between him and Cam Harmon. There’s nothing to indicate the two are friends or have met before.”

Lucy wondered if Kate was being briefed about everything or if those informing her simply didn’t know any more than she and Thad. If Wade had hired Cam, he’d keep his association secret. But how likely would it be that Wade would go so far as to arrange for Kate’s assassination, or even be a part of it?

“There’s nothing to indicate he has extreme political views, either,” Thad said.

“The chief is just doing his job,” Kate insisted. “He was told to stay out of the investigation. He may have people who keep him apprised of developments, but he’s doing what he’s been told. This isn’t an ordinary attempted murder case. I recently announced my intention to run for president. Wouldn’t you make sure an attempted assassination investigation was controlled and that crucial information didn’t leak out?”

“Maybe. But I wouldn’t turn away help.”

“You would if you risked media coverage.”

Thad sighed, hands entwined on his lap as he leaned forward. Kate had a valid point, but was she being too blithe?

“Would the agents working the investigation tell you everything?” Thad asked.

If there was foul play going on within law enforcement, they wouldn’t.

“If they aren’t, somebody’s head is going to roll.” Kate could appear the most docile, unassuming woman, and then in an instant become the hard-hitting politician she was. “I’ll get someone I trust to take a closer look.”

When Thad gave a nod, Lucy knew he was satisfied. Lucy, too. Kate wasn’t going to be blithe about this. She’d check every angle, and hopefully the results supported what she thought: that Chief Thomas was only doing what he was told.

Thad leaned back against the sofa, more relaxed than he had been since Lucy had joined them.

“Meanwhile, I want you to stop carrying on your own vigilante investigation,” Kate said.

And that had Thad tensing all over again. He sat forward, his forearms on his thighs. “Why?”

“It’s too dangerous. Sophie was kidnapped to send you a warning and it’s one you should heed, at least for now, at least until my inside man can gather some meaningful intel. We need to know what we’re dealing with. Who is involved? Did someone pay the shooter or is the shooter working alone? These questions need answers.”

It seemed to Lucy that there was more than the shooter involved. Cam’s background matched the shooter’s. Jaden was a suspicious character, and now Thad thought Chief Thomas knew more than he let on. Were they all linked somehow? Lucy didn’t see how. Why would Chief Thomas help assassinate Kate, a presidential candidate?

“Let me do some checking,” Kate pleaded with Thad. “Go to Carova Beach for a few days. I’ll let you know what I find when you get back.”

“No. I’m not leaving you here.”

“I’m surrounded by security. I want you to go away for a while, and I need someone I trust to get the house ready for my visit. I’ll be fine here.”

“I can’t leave you alone until the gunman is caught. What if something happens and I’m not here?”

“Thad, you’re not the only one who can protect me. Sam is here, and I have plenty of Secret Service agents.”

One of whom Thad didn’t trust. Lucy could tell he would not leave his mother unprotected and he felt he would do the best job of it. Part of her was relieved, since Kate had suggested she go with him. Another part wondered if a few days in Carova weren’t exactly what he needed to let his guard down with her.

“Ask your friend Darcy to stay here while you’re gone,” Kate suggested. “You trust him, don’t you?”

Lucy saw how that made an impact on Thad’s resolve.

“Take Lucy and Sophie with you.” Kate pushed and wouldn’t let up until Thad agreed. That both excited Lucy and made her nervous. “You’ll keep them safe that way. Cam won’t be able to harass her and no one will be able to hurt Sophie. She’ll be able to play on the beach and see new things. It will get her mind off what she’s been through.”

After contemplating his mother for endless seconds, Thad turned to Lucy in silent petition.

“She has a good point,” Lucy had to concede. They would all be safe in the Carova beach house, and if Darcy stayed here at the estate, Thad wouldn’t have to worry about his mother.

“It’s just for a few days.” A tiny smile pushed at Kate’s mouth.

Jennifer Morey's Books