Executive Protection(38)

Awed that Thad had considered that, Lucy only stared up at his handsome face.

“You think Cam knew she had an appointment?” Kate asked.

Thad turned to his mother but didn’t answer.

“What have you not told me?” Kate asked.

“Jaden and Cam have been talking. They know each other,” he said.

“But Jaden is new to the security detail,” Kate said.

“I don’t think he’s the shooter.”

“But you think Cam might be?” Lucy was stunned.

Thad stood. “That’s what I intend to find out.”

Chapter 9

With many questions racing in her brain, Lucy walked up to the front step of Rosanna Bridger’s two-story townhome. Paint had begun to chip and weeds grew through cracks in the driveway before the single-car garage. There were toys junking up the yard. Lucy had never been to Rosanna’s home before, and seeing its condition worried her. So had hearing the woman’s voice when she’d called yesterday evening.

That Rosanna had called her at all surprised her. But she’d explained how fond Sophie was of her and that she had no one else to turn to. She’d confessed the state of her marriage. Her husband would be moving out today and she didn’t want Sophie around when that happened.

As she stepped up to the door, she heard arguing.

“Hurry up and get that kid out of here,” a man said in an angry, snide tone. “I don’t have all day and Harry is on his way with the moving truck.”

“Lucy will be here any minute,” Rosanna answered in a strained voice.

Lucy rang the doorbell. What kind of environment was Sophie living in?

Rosanna opened the door. “Lucy. Hi.” She opened the door wider. “I can’t thank you enough for doing this.”

Lucy looked past her to the man standing in a small living room filled with boxes. Paper plates with food still on them littered the coffee table. Last night’s dinner?

“I’ll get Sophie.” Rosanna vanished up the stairs.

The man watched Lucy, his gaze going all over her body before resting on her face. After dealing with Cam, she was hypersensitive to strange men who gave her a bad feeling.

“How do you know Rosanna?” the man asked.

“I’m sorry, you are...?”

“Layne Bridger. Soon to be single.”

Lucy didn’t even spare him an acknowledgment for that statement.

“How do you know her?” Layne asked. “She doesn’t have many friends here.”

Rosanna had explained she’d moved from Minnesota where she was from because her new husband had gotten a job here in North Carolina. They’d only been together for two years.

“I met her through the literacy program.”

“Ah.” He raised his head in a half nod. Lucy couldn’t tell if it was in mocking or if he was impressed. “You’re one of those do-gooders.”

“Isn’t that what you are?” she asked sarcastically, not appreciating his insult. He had been mocking her.

Just then, Sophie came bounding down the stairs.

“Lucy! Lucy!” She ran up to her and threw her small body against her.

Lucy laughed and crouched to her level to give her a hug. “Hey there, little pumpkin. Are you ready to go have a sleepover at my house?”

Sophie’s smile expanded to gigantic proportions. “Yeah!”

“Here’s her bag.” Rosanna handed a flowery duffel to Lucy, eyeing her uncertainly. Was she threatened by how much Sophie liked Lucy? Were things so bad with her home life that it had created a wedge between them?

“Come on, honey.” Lucy took the girl’s hand and said to Rosanna, “You have my number....”

“Yes. Thank you again.” Rosanna walked them to the door.

Lucy took Sophie outside and to her Subaru, putting the duffel in the backseat. Sophie knew the drill about sitting in the back. She planted herself behind the front passenger seat, happy as could be.

Lucy got in and began driving. “How are things at home, Sophie?” It was time to start picking for information.

Sophie’s happy glow dimmed some. “Okay.”

“Just okay?”

She glanced up at Lucy, then turned toward the window. Her feet didn’t quite reach the floor and she bobbed them up and down.

“Rosanna and Layne aren’t getting along, huh?” Lucy coaxed.

“No. They fight.”

“Layne is moving out this weekend, so things should get better.”

Sophie shrugged.

“Why don’t you like it at Rosanna’s house?”

Again, Sophie shrugged, feet still bobbing.

“It’s okay, you can tell me. I won’t say anything to Rosanna.”

Sophie’s feet stopped moving. “She yells at me.”

“Rosanna does?”

“She never wants me to be around,” she blurted in a louder voice, eyes looking at Lucy with a desperate plea. “She never plays with me or lets me play at friends’ houses and she never lets me watch TV!” The torment poured out from her tiny body. “It’s boring there! Rosanna doesn’t want me. Nobody does!”

That well and truly sliced a gash in Lucy’s heart. “Oh, sweetie. It might seem that way, but Rosanna does want you. She’s just going through a rough time right now. You wait and see, once Layne moves out, you two will have fun together again.”

Jennifer Morey's Books