Endless Knight(63)

The double meaning didn’t escape me.

At the top of the stairs was a stone landing with a single door. He unlocked and opened it, ushering me inside.

The room was . . . lovely.

The lofty ceiling and exposed beams were painted stark white, stretching to a tented point above. The queen-size bed had a costly crimson spread on it. Rich drapes in the same material bordered panoramic windows. Up this high, the wind gusted, pelting the glass with raindrops, but the lavish room was snug and dry. A plush rug covered the stone floor, and the grand fireplace had logs already set up for a fire.

Again Death studied my reaction. I scuffed over to a cedar wardrobe. Scores of clothes filled the closet? Most looked like they would fit me.

In an adjoining modern bathroom, I found fresh towels and toiletries. Unable to curb my curiosity, I turned on the shower’s hot water spigot. Almost immediately, the water began steaming.

A hot shower? I hadn’t had one since we left Selena’s house. When I experienced a little thrill, I went awash in guilt. My friends might be trapped in an icy mine, but I was looking forward to a shower?

And more, I didn’t trust Death’s motives for providing all this. “Why these kindnesses?”

“To keep you on edge. You’ll pine for these indulgences all the more when I deprive you of them.”

“You think I can’t escape? I could jump.”

“If you somehow made it past the outer walls of the compound and didn’t get swallowed up on the mountainside, you’d face the world with no abilities, at the mercy of any you stumbled upon. Besides, the glass here is fortified, unbreakable for one with such minuscule strength. Even Judgment would find it difficult to break you out.”

“Are you expecting Gabriel to try?”

“I hope he does.”

My heart was sinking even before he said, “In any case, you will have a guard.” He thinned his lips and gave a piercing whistle. Giant paws padded up the stairs.

You again, Cyclops? I’d noted earlier that he must’ve gotten zinged by one of Joules’s javelins; the wolf’s fur was now permed like a poodle’s.

“Try to escape the grounds, and the beast will make a meal of you.” Death’s eyes glittered, as if he’d be happy for me to try.

Enough. “Why do you have such a burning hatred for me? That night you murdered Calanthe—”

“Murdered? That’s rich. They ambushed us in an open field, with no cover from javelins—or from a winged soldier like Judgment.”

“Anyway,” I continued as if he hadn’t spoken, “when you beheaded Calanthe, you appeared weary, as if it was an unavoidable chore.”

“Perhaps it was.”

“But not with me.”

“No,” he said gravely. “Not with you.”

How had we gone from To my bed, Empress to this? “Will you ever tell me why?”

He turned to leave. “You’ll be dead before the impulse strikes me.” The door locked behind him, the sound panicking me.

No escape. A gilded cage. Like a haunted madhouse.

I’d been locked up for months at CLC. Now my freedom had been taken from me once again. At least at the center, I’d had a roommate and visits from my mom. Here?

A wolf that was looking at my legs like he wanted to gnaw on them.


DAY 265 A.F.


—Crazy like a fox!—

I jerked up from my pillow, waking from my first night at Death’s. My eyes were gritty from holding back tears, my muscles sore with tension. I glared to find Cyclops beside me atop the bed, his weight straining the wooden frame. He blinked his eye, giving me a whatcha gonna do? look.

Had I heard Matthew, or dreamed I had? Barely daring to hope, I tentatively called, Matthew?

—You sound scared, Empress.—

I leapt to my feet. Matthew, is that you?!

—Why shouting? Inside voice . . .—

Tears leaked out of the corners of my eyes. Why haven’t you answered me?

—Hurt my head. Just wanted to sleep and sleep and sleep.—

Oh, God, are you going to be okay?

—Jack said I have a tête dure. Hard head. Said the boulder got hurt worse than I did.—

My mouth went dry. Is he okay?

—Everyone’s happy I’m awake. And frantic all the time. Jack thinks I’ll lead him to you.—

Tell me what happened.

In his confusing, stilted way, Matthew relayed the mine collapse. He described having to swim under fallen beams while dodging boulders. Having to dig to get at a shaft of light, before the water rose and cut off their air. Clawing at rock till they could see the bones of their fingertips.

I was horrified by what they’d been through, but so freaking proud of them for surviving. How are they doing?

—Finn. Leg healing. Heart broken. Lark tricked the trickster. The Moon sets. She failed to protect you; isn’t used to failing at anything.—

Matthew, if you knew this was in our future, why allow it to happen?

—Not all bad is bad. Endgame, endgame. We live. Hierophant dies. You are where you’re supposed to be.—

Go through hardship to get to the ultimate goal? That had been some serious hardship. And why am I supposed to be here? Death keeps threatening to kill me. Hey, he can’t hear my thoughts anymore, can he?

Kresley Cole's Books