Endless Knight(36)

Finn glowered. “Ease off, Selena.”

“No, it’s okay,” the girl said. “Granted, I know more about the current game, like what the big dogs are up to.”

“Big dogs?” I asked.

“The players with the most bite, like you and Selena. Like Death and Tess.”

“We met her. What do you know about her?”

Matthew muttered, “Bad cards.”

“She’s the World Card,” Lark said. “The fifth element. She was with Joules and Gabriel a week ago. They must’ve taken her on as an ally. Smart move on their part, since she can pretty much control space and time. One problem: the chronicler of her line dropped the ball, so she doesn’t understand why she levitates every time she sneezes. If she gets turned on, time races and stuff.”

Finn looked captivated with Lark, resting his chin on his hand as he gazed at her. “How’s that work?”

“Don’t ask me. I’m not a doctor or a quantum physicist.”

He and Lark laughed, but then her smile faded. “I shouldn’t poke fun. She looked like a sweet girl. Cried a lot though, and bit her nails till they bled. Not understanding your powers must be a bitch.”

It was. I remembered when I’d been in the same boat, wondering why plants responded to me. I felt for Tess, wanting to help her.

“But I’m sure Joules and Gabriel will get her up to speed about the game, if they haven’t already.” Lark pointed to Matthew. “The Fool’s got a big target on his back too. He knows everyone’s weaknesses and powers.”

Matthew blinked at her. “Arsenals.”

“And Evie?” Jack asked.

Lark turned to me. “The ones who understand the game want to keep you alive so you can take out Death. But there are some who don’t know better. And now that you’re worth a pair of icons . . .” She trailed off, eyeing my hand. “Well, it’s tempting.”

Two icons, mine and the Alchemist’s.

Jack covered my hand with his own. “It might be tempting—but it ain’t happening.”

She gave him a duh look. “Hello, we’re allies now.” Reaching into her coat pocket, she pulled out a laminated scroll, handing it to me.

I unfurled it, finding archaic writing on yellowed parchment, with grease-pencil notes.

“It’s a list of players with their formal titles,” she said. “I’ve written in the current names that I know and updated the losers.”

— The Players —

The Fool, Gamekeeper of Old (Matthew)

The Magician, Master of Illusions (Finneas)

The High Priestess, Ruler of the Deep

The Empress, Our Lady of Thorns (Evie)

The Emperor, Stone Overloard

The Hierophant, He of the Dark Rites (Guthrie)

The Lovers, Duke & Dutchess Most Perverse

The Chariot, Wicked Champion

Strength, Mistress of Fauna (LARK!)

The Hermit, Master of Alchemy

Wheel of Fortune, Lady of Fate

Justice, She who Harrows (Spite)

The Hanged Man, Our Lord Uncanny

Death, The Endless Knight

Temperance, Collectress of Sins (Calanthe)

The Devil, Foul Desecrator (Ogen)

The Tower, Lord of Lightning (Joules)

The Star, Arcane Navigator

The Moon, Bringer of Doubt (Selen)

The Sun, Hail the Glorious Illuminator

Judgment, The Archangel (Gabriel)

The World, This Unearthly One

“Where did you get this?” I asked.

“Off my fridge door. Kidding. Like I said, my family chronicled. I wager more players have died, but I only scratch off those I can confirm through the calls. I heard others clamoring when Spite got offed. It was early on. Don’t know who did it though.”

“The Alchemist”—I cleared my throat—“was named Arthur.”

She tilted her head at me. “Okay. I’ll update it.” Her eyes began to glow red. “Hold on, we pause for this public service announcement. . . . We’ve got about two more hours till showtime.”

Showtime. It sank in that we might all die tonight. Hell, Death had given me a week, and I was about at the end of it. If I only had a few more hours, I wanted to spend some time alone with Jack—and I wanted it badly enough to leave our cozy fire and head back out into the storm.

I mentally asked Matthew, Will you be okay with Finn for a bit?

—Empress is my friend. Finn is my friend.—

Yes, we are. I’ll be back soon. I’m going to talk to Jackson.

—He won’t like that.—

I begged to differ. I rose, offering Jack my hand as I murmured, “You and I should recheck the perimeters. Just to be sure there aren’t any early birds.”

He shot to his feet in an instant, grabbing my hand and his gear, announcing, “Perimeters are important.”

I tried not to notice when Selena glanced away, her expression stricken.

“Finn, you’ll stay with Matthew?”

“Matto and I are inseparable. Haven’t you heard?”

Kresley Cole's Books