Endless Knight(23)

He’s so close I can perceive his breaths on my face, cooling my tears.

I am looking upon Death, as his hand inches closer. . . .

I shot awake, swiping my palm over my cheek, stunned that there weren’t tears streaming down, stunned that Death wasn’t right beside me. As I blinked my eyes, I probed, realizing his presence was gone.

It was dark in the hut, but my shirt was riding up, revealing a glowing glyph. It cast enough light to see Matthew’s sleeping form nearby. Selena and Finn were asleep as well.

Jackson was awake, seated across from me—and staring at the glyph. It reflected in his gray gaze.

In a low tone, he said, “Can you feel them things, you?” There was no rage in his voice.

“They’re like shivers.” I admitted, “It’s comforting to feel them.” Because they represented my arsenal, and I believed that somehow, someway, they were all that stood between me and Death.

Jackson’s gaze flickered over my face, studying. Always studying. “What’s it feel like when you change completely?”

Amazing. No room for uncertainty, just sizzling power. “It’s definitely different.”

“You were like a . . . a divinité.”

I sat up. Still his words could thrill me. Still I was one heartbeat away from telling him how much I—

“You ain’t human, no?”

The thrill flared out, leaving cold ash. Though the statement was fair, it still stung. How to answer? “Both my parents were. You know my mom was.” Jackson had met her the night before she died, giving her enough time to get to know him, to rest assured that he could keep me safe. “I never wanted to deceive you, Jack. I was just getting used to this stuff myself. Didn’t know my way around it.”

He scrubbed a hand over his tired face. “Why didn’t you tell me about all this shit?”

“I was warned against confiding in others.” Arcana means secrets, as Matthew had said.

“Coo-y?n must’ve told you that!”

Selena sighed without rousing. Finn smacked his lips and muttered, “Mom, how long I gotta stay there?”

Without a word, Jack collected his gear and stormed out into the mist, taking a seat on a nearby shelf of rock.

Though uninvited, I joined him.

“You listened to coo-y?n, trusting him over me?”

“Yes, Jackson, the psychic I trust with my life told me not to tell anyone. You know, the kid who predicted the end of the world and saved me from the Flash. Besides, you and I had a deal: I’d tell you my secrets once you got me to my grandmother’s.”

“Like you would’ve told me then. You wrote me a note and took off from Finn’s without a word because you knew how I’d react.”

“That’s not true. After our fight, I decided that you deserved to know the truth, warning or no. I was coming to reveal everything when I saw you and Selena—”

“Not me.”

“Not you,” I whispered.

He fell silent. Talk to me, I wanted to scream. Tell me what you’re thinking.

“You told me I quieted the voices.” The Arcana calls I’d heard but hadn’t understood. “Seems like you’d need to hear them now.”

“For some reason, you quiet the buzz of all of them. But if one came close enough I’d still hear it, just as I did Selena’s call.”

“Does it scare you, knowing these people want to kill you?”

I nodded. “I’ve known for months that Death has some kind of sick interest in me. I don’t know why, but he does.” I thought of my dream. Apparently, he always had. “Matthew’s shown me visions of his skill, his lack of mercy.” And Death had said I wouldn’t last this week. “But I try not to dwell on it, try to think about other things.”

“Like what?”

Like wishing I were normal and we were back together. “I think about you a lot.”

“Why’s that? You doan need a protector anymore.”

Debatable. And maybe we needed to protect each other. Besides . . . “That’s not the reason I liked you.”

“Oh, this I gotta hear.” His tone was snide.

“Just forget it. It doesn’t matter. Why should I explain anything to you? You’re going to leave as soon as we get to the next town. That’s clear.”

“Is it?”

“It’s for the best anyway. You’ll be safer once we separate.” Separate. A life without Jackson Deveaux. The mere idea sent my emotions spiraling.

My skin began to glow anew, and even through my T-shirt, the glyphs shone as they wound along my arms, across my chest. I knew my face was casting off light as well.

He stared at the changes in me.

“Look at you, Jack! You’re disgusted.”

“Not used to you.” He got up on his knees before me, wary, like a mongoose sidling around a serpent. “Just let me do this, okay?”

As he reached for me, he yanked off his fingerless gloves, as Death had done in my dream. Block that out.

Jackson lifted the hem of my shirt, baring my torso to little bites of rain—and his avid gaze. With his muscles tensed as if he might have to leap away at any moment, he tentatively touched me.

Kresley Cole's Books