Endless Knight(12)

As an Arcana, I could see his tableau, a brief superimposed picture, like a Tarot card. His was of an archangel carrying a staff and sword, flying over a mass of bodies.

Selena murmured, “He’s injured.”

“Death stabbed his wing,” I replied. “Right before he beheaded the Temperance Card.”

And the World? Tess Quinn was a chubby brunette with nervous eyes. She carried a battered staff. Presently she was biting the nails of her free hand to the quick. Hardly a seasoned killer.

I’d wager she had as little control over her powers as I used to. Her tableau was a bare-chested maiden with a swath of cloth around her hips, symbols of the four elements framing her.

But Joules looked malicious, his dark eyes flashing as sparks glittered over his skin. His tableau was the most terrifying—charred bodies plummeting from a lightning-struck tower.

When the three paused in front of the house, he called out, “Get a gander at all the vines! Empress must’ve spilled pints of blood to grow ’em!” His Irish accent was pronounced. “And the grand trees too? I’ll bet you’re right wasted. That tornado’s fierce-looking, but Gabe can fly circles around it.” He opened his right hand and a javelin appeared in it.

At this sign of aggression, my claws tingled anew, the heat rising. Come, Tower, touch, was on the tip of my tongue. Instead I inhaled for control and forced myself to say, “Hi, Joules, my name is Evie.”

Double take from the Tower.

“And I want you to know that I’m sorry about what happened to Calanthe. She was a brave fighter. She deserved better.”

In my head, Death tsked. —You wound me, creature.—

Ignoring him, I told Joules, “We want to join with you in an alliance to take out Death. Then we would be seven, gunning for him.”

Joules twirled his javelin with ease. It was a thing of beauty, gleaming, etched with ancient symbols. “Or I could end you all today, snag your icons and more power to take him on myself.”

Out of the side of her mouth, Selena muttered, “Told you, dumb-ass.”

“We don’t want any trouble with you,” I called.

“Too bad. ’Cause it’s trouble you’ll be gettin’.”

“What happened to the enemy of my enemy is my friend??”

“Death stole my lass from me. Now I’m going to steal what he’s hankerin’ for most: your demise.”

I was selling this as hard as I could, and it still looked like we were about to throw down. “It won’t happen, Joules. Our alliance is too powerful. Already the Fool has foreseen that we would win this fight and all three of you will die.” Bluffing. “We could’ve hidden ourselves with the Magician’s illusions and ambushed you, but I wanted to offer an alliance. We’re not playing this game. We refuse to kill any other player except for Death. We can make that vow to you today.”

Tess’s eyes widened, excitement in her expression. Hovering above us, Gabriel tilted his head, his face unreadable. Joules looked even more furious. “The vicious Empress is making promises? Problem is, you never keep them. Everybody knows you break your vows each game.”

Had I? I slanted Selena a questioning glance, but she had her laser focus locked on Joules.

“Well, then, this game is different. We refuse to kill.”

“Oh, is that so?” His hostility was palpable—and strengthening, for some reason.

“It is.” My hopes for an alliance were circling the drain. Now I just wanted to get out of here alive. I readied my army. I could bind them with vines, giving us time to escape.

“Liar!” Joules yelled. “You think I canna see your hand, bitch? You already killed!” Without warning, he heaved his javelin straight at me.

Like a blur, Selena loosed her arrow; it struck his javelin, sending it off course. The spear hit the neighboring house. Lightning exploded it, firing debris over us.

Chunks of the house hit the closest oak like ax blows, cracking its trunk wide, sending pain ripping through me. Shingle fragments sliced into the side of my face, and blood streamed. He’d attacked? After I’d offered a truce?

He’d attacked . . . me? Fury filled me, and I screamed with it, my red hair whipping, my hands directing. Roots erupted from the deep, piercing the surface of the ground around him and Tess. As Joules aimed another javelin, a vine snaked around his waist and arms, slamming him to the ground.

Limbs from the remaining oak curled around him, the wood groaning as it ratcheted tighter. He thrashed to get free, but he was bound fast.

Gabriel sounded a battle call, diving to attack, but my tornado forced him back.

When vines circled Tess like serpents, she gave a nervous cry and swirled her staff in a circle above her head, as she might a lasso. Both Joules and Gabriel appeared to wait with bated breath.

Nothing happened. She was supposed to be one of the strongest? I stifled a yawn when she twirled her little stick again. Bored with the World, I launched my vines at her.

She batted them with her staff, but they kept coming. Tears streaming, she hunched down with a whimper.

Joules flailed against his bindings. “Let me go, you bitch!”

Death laughed. —I knew this Empress of Peace act wouldn’t last long. You’re far too proud of your . . . craft.—

Kresley Cole's Books