End of Story(93)

“Do you think you’ll get another roommate after I move out?” I asked. “Not that it’ll be for a while yet. The house is going to take some time to get sorted.”

Cleo frowned. “I don’t know.”

“I’m going to miss not having you to talk to all the time.”

“I’m going to miss borrowing your shoes.”

I nodded. “I do have great shoes.”

“You won’t be so far away. We’ll still see each other all the time.” She smiled. “Feels like life is shaking things up. As if it’s time for some changes.”

“It does feel like that, doesn’t it?”

“Look,” said Cleo, pointing at the sky. “It’s a falling star. Make a wish.”

We both stared at the beauty of the meteor falling through space. Then I asked, “Do you think it’s a sign of better days ahead?”

She shrugged. “It could definitely be that.”

“Yeah.” I smiled. “Let’s go home.”


With thanks to my editor, Susan Swinwood, for her endless enthusiasm for this story, and my agent, Amy Tannenbaum, for never giving up. Thank you to all the romance readers out there and especially the reviewers who give so much time and passion to the genre. Also thank you to Sali Benbow-Powers, everyone in my Facebook fan group, Jenn and everyone at Social Butterfly PR, Mish Lewis, everyone at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, Lori Francis, and last but not least, my family for their love, support, and sense of humor.

Kylie’s Playlist

“Rebel Girl” by Bikini Kill

“On the Sunny Side of the Street” by Ernestine Anderson & George Shearing

“Like Me Better” by Parisalexa

“Seasons” by Chris Cornell

“Crimson Wave” by Tacocat

“Something’s Gotta Give” by Bing Crosby

“May This Be Love” by Jimi Hendrix

“Crooked Teeth” by Death Cab for Cutie

“About a Girl” by Nirvana

“You Don’t Know Me” by Ray Charles

“Crazy on You” by Heart

“Open the Door” by Grace Love

“Yellow Ledbetter” by Pearl Jam

“The Story” by Brandi Carlile

Kylie Scott's Books