End of Story(86)
But every relationship goes through growth periods, right?
I was committed to making this work. When I thought of the future, it was with Aaron at my side. My parents divorced when I was young. Without a doubt, they had not modeled a healthy, loving relationship. It was as if they had long since given up on each other by the time my brother Andrew and I were born. I would not be doing the same. This relationship was my longest ever, and it could and would work.
We’d met outside a bar one night when my car wouldn’t start. Aaron and his friend Lars stopped to help. While Aaron and I flirted, Lars figured out I needed a new battery. He even knew a service to call who would bring it around right away. Talk about being handy. Once it was sorted, I bought them a couple of rounds of drinks to say thanks. Aaron was charming and attentive and perfect, really. Just perfect. The man swept me off my feet. He listened when I talked and took me and my thoughts and feelings seriously. And I knew we could get back to that.
If Aaron and I were half a world apart from each other, it might give him more of a chance to miss me and what we had together. At the end of the day, it might be just what we needed. You never know. With time apart, we might build the desire anew. I don’t know. It was a working theory.
Then there was the idea of me visiting him in London. How exciting! Oh, the shopping and sightseeing I would do.
“A week isn’t long for you to get organized.” I tugged on my braid. An old nervous habit. “When did they tell you? When did you decide to accept the position?”
“Not long,” he hedged. “A little while. It doesn’t matter.”
“O-okay.” It was time to let my reservations go. The last thing this conversation needed was more tension. Now and then in this relationship, it seemed prudent to let my toxic positivity take over. That bitch could smile through anything. “How about I host a going-away party for you next weekend? Give all of your friends a chance to say bon voyage!”
“That would be great, babe.” He finally smiled. “But make it Friday. Mom wants to do something Saturday. Just family. You understand.”
“Oh. Right. Of course.”
“And let’s have it at a restaurant.”
I frowned. “That’s not much notice to book somewhere.”
“Yeah, but you know your roommate and I don’t really get along. Having it at your place could be awkward.”
“If that’s what you want.”
“You’re the best,” he said with a smile. And everything was fine. Totally fine.
“Wait. He’s just up and leaving?” Cleo sat opposite me on the couch. “For a whole damn year? Are you serious?”
We had a nice two-bedroom condo on Avalon Way in West Seattle. It was part of a large, newish complex across from the golf course. Though anywhere that was walking distance to Trader Joe’s, Thai, Mexican, and barbecue was good with me. Food delivery was my happy place. The kitchen/dining/living area was open plan, and we shared the one bathroom. Considering the amount of makeup and skin care we both owned, this required some organization and compromise. But we’d been hanging together for years. We met through work; she’s a photographer, and I am a social-media manager. A great combination. We also shared a love of ice cream and romance books. Our friendship was solid.
“And you’re okay with this?” she asked.
“It’s his life.” I shrugged. “You know how ambitious he is. This move should fast-track him for the corner office he’s been dreaming about. You should see how excited he is.”
Cleo was already in her pajamas and wearing a red satin sleeping bonnet. “It’s your feelings regarding the move I’m worried about.”
“I’m fine.”
She narrowed her gaze on me. “Are you, Susie? Are you, really?”
“Not going to lie. It threw me at first. It was my own fault for wondering if the last-minute change to our date plans meant he might have been going to ask me to move in with him,” I admitted with a wince. “Stupid, I know.”
Her lopsided smile was less than supportive. And fair enough.
“Not that it would necessarily be a good idea right now,” I said in a rush. “Though, it might have been the impetus for him agreeing to some couples therapy which wouldn’t hurt. But I digress... I started thinking about him moving to London for a year and...this could actually be good for us.”
“Please explain.”
“First, some time apart to test our resolve to stay together. To see if our relationship has what it takes to go the distance.”
“Right.” She nodded. “What else?”
I unzipped my cool high-heel black leather booties and freed my poor sore feet. “A little distance might make the heart grow fonder.”
“You think this move might make him finally appreciate you?”
“He’s not that bad. But yeah. Maybe.”
Cleo had gone through a hellish divorce a few years back. Her opinion of men and relationships was not great. Though, she finally started seeing someone, a local barista named Josh. It took him months of patience to convince her to give him a chance. She seemed cautiously happy dating the man. Which was beautiful to see.
“I know you love him,” she said with a grim smile. “But...”
“Yeah. We’ve had this talk. It would be nice if you two got along, but not everyone does.”