End of Story(53)

“What happened?” asked his mom.

“I was crossing the street and some asshole ran a red light.” Lars gave his best friend a nod. Though what the actual status on their friendship was these days, I had no idea. He didn’t, however, seem surprised to see Aaron here. Guess they’d been friends for so long he was treated like family. His parents did live next door to Lars’s. The ties between them all obviously ran deep.

“You look like a mess,” said Aaron.

Lars tried to smile and winced. “Yeah.”

“As soon as we found out, I booked us flights home,” said Deborah.

“Your mom called to ask if I’d been to the hospital.” Aaron hovered near the door. He should be unsure of his unwelcome. “If I’d spoken to your doctor.”

Deborah shook her head in amazement. “He hadn’t even heard about the accident.”

“It all happened pretty fast,” said Lars. “They’ve had me on strong painkillers.”

Aaron gave a brief flicker of a smile. “I offered to pick Deborah and Henning up from the airport and drive them here. Thought it’d give me a chance to confirm that you’re still alive with my own eyes.”

Lars gave him a wan smile.

“It’s so good of your friend to let you stay here.” Deborah crouched by the armchair and placed her hand on her son’s. A real live loving mother. It was a beautiful thing to see.

Henning nodded. “Thank you, Susie.”

I smiled.

“You’ll come home with us now, though, won’t you?” asked Deborah. “I know you prefer to do everything for yourself. You always have. But obviously this is a case where you need some help. My craft things are in your old room. But you can stay in the guest room while you recuperate. Then I’ll be able to look after you.”


“That would be best, I think.”

“My mom said to say she’s glad you’re okay,” reported Aaron. “She’s making her chicken noodle soup for you. I told her you’d probably prefer brownies.”

“And if I have to pop out and your dad is busy she said she’d come over and sit with you,” said Deborah. “We have it all worked out. Around-the-clock care.”

Lars’s gaze jumped to where I was standing off to the side. He seemed to be trying to communicate something to me. But I wasn’t sure what exactly.

“We should go soon. Get you settled in at home so you can rest.” Deborah stood and surveyed the wreck of my house. Because of course the grocery delivery had arrived five minutes before them. Bags and bottles were everywhere. And my work was spread out across the dining room table so I could keep an eye on Lars. His mom’s smile was understanding. “Get out of Susie’s way.”

I smiled back at her. Then I turned to her son. “Whatever you want is fine with me. You know that.”

Lars kept right on staring at me.

“That’s very kind of you, Susie,” said Deborah. “I understand you used to date—”

“Yes,” I said.

Aaron jangled his car key fob.

Deborah smiled softly. “How wonderful that you’ve all been able to remain friends.”

Aaron’s smile was not the least bit convincing. Schmuck.

“We’ll have to have you over, Susie,” said Deborah. “Thank you for taking such good care of our son.”

“I’d like that.”

She gave Lars’s shoulder a pat. “Though I was a little surprised you weren’t at Amie’s.”

“That ended,” said Lars.

“What a shame. She was such a lovely accomplished young woman. What happened?”

“He’ll tell us if and when he wants to,” said Henning, giving his son a wink.

“Of course.” Deborah’s hands fluttered. “You know me, I’m not one to pry.”

“You know Lars isn’t ready to settle down.” Aaron gave her an affectionate smile. “He has big plans.”

Deborah laughed. “Forgive a mother for hoping. I just thought that with you getting engaged and Tore meeting someone, that my eldest might also make the leap.”

The alarm on my cell chimed. “Lars, it’s time for your pills.”

He grunted and reached for the little box on the side table.

Immediately, his mom sprang into action. “Have you got them there? Let me get you some fresh water. Or would you rather iced tea or juice? Maybe Susie has something. Are you supposed to take them with food? I have half a cookie from a café at the airport in my purse. That reminds me, Tore said they gave you a neck brace. Shouldn’t you be wearing that?”

Lars popped the pill on his tongue and dry swallowed. “I’m fine.”


“I’m fine, Mom.”

“You will be once we get you home and put you to bed. Some rest and good home-cooked food and you’ll be back on your feet again.” Deborah nodded, pleased at the thought.

The furrows on Lars’s forehead were out in full force now. “I need to talk to you.”

“Me?” I asked.

He nodded and began the laborious process of hauling himself out of the armchair. His mom grabbed his arm while his dad stepped closer just in case he was needed. “Mom, just... I’m okay,” said Lars. “Please let me do it myself.”

Kylie Scott's Books