End of Story(47)
“You can meet them as soon as they get back from visiting my sister and her family in San Diego. Come with me to pick them up from the airport next weekend if you like.”
“Are we doing the right thing?” asked Cleo.
Tore shrugged. “We want to be together, don’t we?”
“But it’s all happening so fast.”
“Why don’t we put all these boxes aside for now and just see how things go?” he suggested. “Take it in baby steps.”
“I do want you here. I’m just...”
“It’s okay.”
“I don’t want this to go wrong.”
“Then it won’t,” said Tore. “We’ll be careful and work things out together.”
She gave him a much more believable smile. “That sounds good. We could try what Susie’s been doing over at her place and unpack one box a day. Less overwhelming that way.”
I smiled. “That’s true.”
Tore turned to his brother. “Lars, let’s stack them against the wall. I’ll sort out what I need later.”
Cleo pushed her shoulders back. “I’ll get us some drinks.”
As for me, I sat my weary ass on the couch. All the better to watch Lars. He tossed his head to flick back his ridiculously photogenic hair and oh man. My hormones were at his mercy. That was the truth of the matter.
“What was that?” asked Tore. Though accused would be closer.
Cleo wandered out of the kitchen with cans of cider. “What was what?”
This time he even went so far as to point at me. “The way Susie was just staring at Lars.”
“Was I looking at him like he’s a good friend that I appreciate very much?” I asked, downing some of my drink.
“No. You were not.”
“Thank you,” said Lars, accepting his drink from Cleo. He seemed calm, considering Tore’s questioning. “Leave her be, man.”
Tore narrowed his gaze on us. One at a time.
“Honey,” said Cleo, passing her beloved his drink. “Don’t worry about it.”
“What is this it you speak of?” Tore stood with a hand on his hip. Guess he wasn’t going to leave it be. Dammit. “That’s what I need to know.”
Lars crossed his arms. “You’re imagining things.”
“Thou doth protest too much, brother.”
Lars shook his head and sat in an armchair. “At least I don’t sound like an idiot.”
“You two have always been dubious. There’s always been something there. But that expression on Susie’s face just now? All dreamy and carnal?”
“I was, um, thinking about the laundry I have to do when I get home,” I said. “It’s been piling up all week. It’s going to be really good to get it done. Satisfying, you know?”
“Liar. Unless all that talk about getting your laundry done was coded dirty talk. In which case you’re still a liar, but well played.”
I laughed. “Tore, honestly, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“An Oscar-worthy performance,” Tore mumbled. “I’ll give her that.”
Cleo snorted. “Oh, please,” she said. “It was obvious the minute you showed up here. Did you really think you were going to be able to keep it a secret?”
My face was on fire. The best option was to shut up. And I would, right after I stated for the record, “We’re not dating. This is all very early days and the situation is complicated and I’d rather not go into it and... I’m going to stop talking now.”
Tore clicked his tongue. “Well, well, well.”
Meanwhile, Lars just sat there, placid as can be. He obviously didn’t care what they knew. Nor did he come to my rescue when I started to blather. Jerk.
“Are you telling me that Lars doesn’t have an actual official girlfriend?” asked his brother in disbelief.
Cleo cocked her head. “That’s a big deal?”
“Hell yeah,” said Tore. “He’s basically been in one relationship after another since first discovering catch-and-kiss in the playground. It’s right up there on his list. Decent job. Check. Working toward owning own business. Check. Be a good son. Check. Spend quality time with friends. Check. Have a girlfriend. Check.”
Lars took another swig of his drink. He didn’t seem as happy now.
Tore didn’t seem to care. “Those are just the boxes to be checked for now. Others will appear as he nears forty. He and I will have established our house-flipping business. This will be followed by him acquiring a wife. Someone high-achieving, yet grounded. The type who would never dream of wearing white after Labor Day. Their offspring will follow shortly thereafter.”
Lars started grinding his teeth.
“Sounds organized,” said Cleo.
“You mean anal,” corrected Tore.
Cleo frowned. “This plan definitely doesn’t allow for the existence of the mysterious divorce certificate. Which makes sense. I mean, it can’t be real. Susie has sworn never to get married. It’s the one thing she never changes her mind about. Her parents ruined her for life on that front. Get her anywhere near a white dress and she makes the sign of the cross. And none of your brother’s planning sounds the least bit like her either. She’s much more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants kind of girl.”