Ellie and the Prince (Faraway Castle #1)(49)

Ellie boggled. “I had no idea!” She looked back over the colony in wonder. Those little creatures scurrying here and there, eating, chirping, fighting, playing—they shared community and had social structures. “I have so much to learn about magic beasts!”

“Time is passing in your world, however, and we have much to do.” He again offered his arm, and Ellie, after blowing kisses to her sprite friends, again accepted his escort.

This time he paused in an open area. “I intend to transport us by magic to the home of a creature that may be able to shed light on certain events in your past. You need not fear; I will allow no harm to come to you. Do not let go of my arm.”

Before Ellie could think to ask a question, he stretched out his free arm and seemed to push against the air. They stepped forward as if through a doorway, and everything went dark. It felt dry and cold and infinitely black. Without realizing, she lowered her chin and closed her eyes. Then she felt a jolt, as if she’d been jerked sideways, and a fresh, cold breeze struck her face.

“We’re here,” the Gamekeeper said. “Vlad should arrive shortly. I sent a message.”

When Ellie hesitantly opened her eyes, her chin still tucked, the first thing she saw was a terrible emptiness before her feet, as if the ground had been cut off and dropped away. She shrieked, squeezed her eyes shut again, clung to the Gamekeeper’s arm, and moaned, “Where have you taken us?”

“I’m terrified of heights!” Ellie scarcely recognized that shrill voice as hers.

The Gamekeeper stepped away from the precipice, bringing Ellie with him. “I apologize. I hadn’t thought how the altitude might affect you. Come. I brought us here to the entrance rather than invade the family’s privacy, but we can move further into the cave.” As they turned, she glanced back and realized they stood at the entrance of a cave near the top of a sheer mountain surrounded by other peaks. Despite the glaciers all around and a brisk wind, she did not feel cold, yet terror sent tremors through her body and her teeth chattered.

At the Gamekeeper’s urging, her feet moved even as her brain felt immobile. Not until solid walls surrounded her and the cave opening was a bright spot in her peripheral vision did she begin to relax.

“What is this place? It smells strange.”

“We are at the home of a magical creature who may be able to shed light on your history,” the Gamekeeper replied. He spoke quietly, yet his voice always made her soul shiver. “I sent a message and expect him to arrive shortly. I will allow no harm to come to you, Miss Calmer.” He sounded genuinely regretful.

But then she heard a cry that turned her blood to ice. Slowly she looked up and saw her nightmare alight at the cave’s entrance. Burning yellow eyes, feathers, talons reaching to grab her, an open beak . . . Ellie screamed . . .

She saw spinning mountain peaks beneath her, felt the rush of wind that blocked all other sound, including her own screams. Then something grasped her arms, jerking her body forward and up instead of down. Her head snapped back, and she stared up at the underside of a strange birdlike creature.

“You are safe, Ellie. He will not harm you.” The voice seemed to speak into her thoughts, into her memory.

Ellie opened her eyes but saw only the Gamekeeper’s hooded profile. She still stood upright, clinging to his arm. Briefly she considered the fact that she was at the mercy of not one but two monsters. Yet his presence was comforting after all.

For he stood between her and the creature now silhouetted against the cave’s entrance: an enormous griffin.

Cruel yellow eyes stared at her, a huge beak snapped in irritation, and long talons clicked on the stone floor as it approached, folding its wings. “Why have you come?” It spoke clearly, its tone regal and resentful.

“Greetings, Vlad.”

The griffin lowered its head in response. “Your Eminence.”

Only then did the Gamekeeper answer, “I wish to know if you once captured a human girl-child and left it at Arabella’s door.”

The creature’s golden neck feathers ruffled. “What if I did?”

“The child survived. I merely wish to know your side of the story.”

The griffin sat down, and the tufted tip of its tail twitched. “I didn’t know the foolish thing was magical until it persuaded me to let it go! Fortunately, I dropped it from high altitude and was able to catch it before it hit the rocks. I apologized and took it to Arabella because she was nearby.”

“Where did you first find the child?”

“In a high meadow near Grim’s Peak. The humans looked ordinary enough. It was an honest mistake.” The griffin studied Ellie briefly. “You were that child,” it said. “I recognize your magic. It is stronger now. And weaker. You don’t trust it.”

“Wh-why did you take me?” Ellie asked.

The griffin’s ears flattened against his feathered head. “Human girls make good servants. In my homeland, every nesting couple keeps one in the den to clean and to watch over the young.” He snarled a strange combination of an eagle’s scream and a lion’s roar. “It’s not as if we kill and eat them.”

Ellie felt a weight lift from her heart. “I am glad to know that you didn’t intend to kill me,” she said.

Vlad’s tail lashed from side to side. “Kill you? I went to the trouble of catching you again after you blasted me with magic and made me drop you, even though I knew I could not take you home with me. And I left you with Arabella, the best place for any human child that could force me to drop it.”

J.M. Stengl's Books