Echo (Bleeding Hearts #1)(15)

“Why don’t we go over the terms together,” he suggested. “I will clarify whatever it is that confuses you.”

There was an arrogant pleasure in his tone that I didn’t like, but still I nodded. I needed to understand exactly what I was getting myself into. Exactly what I would be giving up to help Brayden.

The stranger shifted his weight, followed by the sound of rustling papers. He began to rattle off the terms as though this were an everyday occurrence for him.

“Section One. You will be available to me at any time that I may wish, day or night, seven days per week. The length of this agreement is for a period of six months, including any and all holidays. As part of these terms, you agree to maintain phone contact a minimum of once per day in the form of text. Any questions so far?” he asked.

“I have a job,” I replied meekly. “I need to keep my income, I can’t just…”

“Your job is of no importance to me,” he said. “And if I deem it necessary for you to quit, then you will. This is, by definition, having complete control.”

“Okay.” My eyes burned, but I tried to keep my composure as he read on.

“Section Two. Excluding home and work, you will not venture anywhere without my consent. This includes outings with friends or trips to the store. As part of this stipulation, you are only allowed to use public transportation or a method of transport provided by myself. Riding with friends or in any unauthorized vehicle is strictly forbidden. Questions?”

It was a stupid rule if you asked me, but it was one I could live with, so I shook my head. I hardly went anywhere besides home or work anyway, and I didn’t even know anybody in San Francisco that owned a car besides Nicole.

“Section Three,” he continued. “You are to wear a GPS tracking device at all times. There will be no exceptions to this rule under any circumstances. Understood?”

“But why do I need a tracker if you already know where I live and work?” I asked. “And if I’m checking in with you, then don’t you trust me to be honest?”

A hollow laugh sounded from his chest as his fingers squeezed my ankle. “Trust you, Brighton? With your bloodline, I’m surprised you even have to ask that question.”

My stomach knotted. I wanted to tell him he was wrong about me. That he didn’t know me at all. But what was the point? The longer I spent with him, the more callous he sounded. Now all I wanted to do was get this over with, and by the stiffening of my body, it must have been obvious.

“It’s also for your protection.” His hand slid up my calf, making me shiver. “Bad things happen. I want to make sure none of those things happen to you.”

For a moment, I could almost convince myself it sounded like he cared. But then he spoke again.

“At least… not until I’m done with you,” he amended.

I clamped my mouth shut and nodded.

“The final section,” he concluded, “is that your body is mine to do with as I please. This includes any and all sexual acts, including pleasure and pain. In plain English, Brighton, that means I will f*ck you any way that I want. If I give you an order, you will follow it without question. If I tell you to walk into this hotel in nothing but a pair of heels, you will obey. If I tell you to get down on your knees and suck my f*cking cock for three hours straight, you will do it. Obedience is the only thing that will save you and get you what you want in this situation. Do you understand?”

My body was shaking now, and I hugged myself in an attempt to regain control. I wasn’t too proud to admit I was terrified. The coldness in this man’s voice scared me on a level I’d never known before. But I had to do it. Emotionally, I was made of Teflon. I may have been young, but I’d been through a lot in my short life, and I thought I could handle anything this man threw my way. I would do it for my brother. For my blood.

“I understand,” I whispered.

“If you fail to do as I request at any given time, I will punish you, Brighton. And I can promise you it won’t be pleasant. If it continues to be an issue, I will sever the agreement accordingly,” he repeated. “And with it, all evidence that you require.”

“Alright!” I snapped. “I get it. Stop saying that, please.”

My voice sounded desperate, but I didn’t care. I was desperate.

“Very well. Let’s get started then.”

He got up and padded across the floor, and then there was a pregnant pause of silence that threatened to engulf me. I couldn’t stop shaking. Perhaps if I had done this before, it would be different. But I figured it couldn’t hurt any worse than anything I’d already been through. Women all over the world did this every day for their profession. Surely, I could do it too. I would just think of myself as an escort. But instead of receiving money, I’d be getting a priceless gift. The gift of Brayden’s freedom.

I heard the sound of a zipper being undone followed by the rustling of clothing.

“Stand up,” he said softly. “Undress yourself for me.”

From the location of his voice, I could tell he was sitting in the chair across the room. Watching me. The distance between us felt more threatening than when he was actually touching me.

I rose on trembling legs, lifting my dress up without any kind of finesse.

“Slowly,” he chided.

The soft cotton material fell back to my knees, and I clenched it in my fists as I drew it back up over my body. I didn’t know how to be sexy. I didn’t even want to try. But I had to fulfill his request, so I did as he asked, taking my time before I pulled it over my head and discarded it on the floor.

A. Zavarelli's Books