EMBRACE YOU Lone(liness Book Two)(23)

"Whoa, let me see that," says Marcus.

"You won't like it," I tell him.

I watch his face as he reads the rag. I see his face darken as he reaches the part that details how he's supposed to be looking for a new lover.

Oh, my f*ckin' God! I'm sorry, but this is rubbish, tripe! All we can do is ignore it, Jo. It's almost over, except for the verdict and sentencing."

"Let's get practicing, guys. My 'depressed' self feels the need," I snark at them.

That day, my practicing is better than it has been for a while - seems that, when someone makes me mad, I really throw myself into my work! I sit around writing new songs, and really work on making my voice stronger.

As we drive home, I look around, trying to see if I can spot any rag reporters. Of course, it would be anyone, so I can't really say that the woman pushing her child in the pram, or the man walking down the windy street holding his lunchbox are reporters spying on us. Still, I'm very grateful when we pull in through the electronic gate at the back of our home.

After feeding the three of us, I bathe Lizzie and take her to bed. Marcus and I pull our Christmas decorations out of the storage closet. While it's still mid-November, we decide to put our tree and decorations up. I want the home to feel like Christmas. After several hours, the family room, stairway banister and other rooms are decorated, giving our home a definite Christmasy air. I love the holidays and I am ready for us to get back in the holiday spirit.

That night, after we go to bed, Marcus begins running his hands over my body and I play with his body in response. As he plays with my nipples, my wet *, and my clit, he gives me light slaps on my *, which stimulate me to an even higher degree of passion.

I slap him back lightly on his penis. As he feels the slaps, Marcus' hips jerk in response.

"Oh, my God, Marcus, I want you! Now!"

In response, he plays my body even more. His thumb massages my clit and his fingers enter my * and he rubs and slides in and out of me simultaneously. The twin sensations bring me to my peak very quickly. Throbbing, I thrust my hips and feel my * contracting around Marcus' fingers. I close my eyes, seeing fireworks. I can't wait any longer. I need to feel him inside of me.

"Now! Now, dammit!" I tell him.

Marcus mounts me, sliding in between my legs. He prods at me with his large cock, barely entering me, then pulling back out. This makes me come again.

I grab his ass and pull him into me. The sensation of his hard, throbbing dick sliding into me causes me to come yet again.

In response, Marcus thrusts his hips once, then slides over the edge of sensation, jetting into me.

"Johanna! My God, I've been wanting you all day long, girl!"

"Ever since we read that pitiful article? Oh, my God, keep doing that! Yes, that! I've been wanting you all day long, too!"

Marcus positions himself so that, as he thrusts, he brushes against my G-spot, causing me to come repeatedly.

Not wanting to wake Lizzie, I bury my face in Marcus' shoulder and scream my release and satisfaction.

I get up to go to the bathroom and slip into my nightgown. Once I'm back in bed, I cuddle against my husband's warm, trim body and start dozing off.

I dream that I'm in the magistrate's court room and I'm waiting to learn the jury's verdict.

"Because of the continued harassment from the tabloids, once the jury gives their sentences for both young women, I will pronounce sentence, if they are found guilty. Before I ask for the verdicts, I just have got to reprimand the tabloids, for their continued behaviors in following the Hadley family. I read the 'news' account covering Mrs. Hadley's supposed crying and depression, and I must say, this is a new low. While the tabloids' reporters have respected the letter of my orders, they have continued to make light of the experiences of the Hadleys in an attempt to gain more sales.

I will be continuing to read these rags and, if I see anything that mentions Mr. Hadley, Mrs. Hadley or their child, and if that mention is patently untrue, I will level a heavy fine against the tabloids and every. Single. Reporter. Who. Participates. In. Those. Lies. Representatives are here, I know that - each and every one of you should be ashamed of yourselves and you should act accordingly.

"With that said, what is the verdict for Miss Wells?"

"Guilty, sir. We find Miss Wells guilty of the charges against her."

"Thank you for your service. Miss Wells, please stand. You have been found guilty of all the charges against you. Notwithstanding your mental health diagnoses, I am sentencing you to life behind bars, with no opportunity for parole."

"No! I intended no harm to Marcus Hadley! I only wanted..."

"SILENCE! Take her back to her cell. She will be sent to prison in north England, where she will serve her sentence for the rest of her life."

Once Cara and her attorney leave, guards bring Melanie Stabb in. The jury in her case files in and takes their seats.

I look at her. She's still emaciated, but dark roots are growing out of her brightly colored hair. She's visibly nervous and twitches as she sits at the defense table.

"What is your verdict for Miss Stabb, please?"

"Sir, we find Miss Stabb guilty of every charge against her."

"Thank you for your service.Miss Stabb, please stand. I sentence you to serve a life sentence with no poss..."