EMBRACE YOU Lone(liness Book Two)(16)

"Etm, Marcus, I've been thinking about something. Give them a promise that you're going to tell them what you want to see to happen to Cara and Melanie. You know, what they're going to be hoping you'll say - that they should get the death penalty, or something like that. Let's talk about ideas for the 'big non-deliver' you'll be giving them. Any big ideas, guys?"

I sit back and listen. My eyes move from person to person and I take in what they are saying. This plan is getting better and better.

First, Tim speaks. "Play on their 'the public has a right to know' theme. Like, you were only going along with the magistrate and barrister after having your arm twisted. Think about those feelings and thoughts that you wouldn't mind having printed - not that this will be printed, but...think as if it will be."

Linny sets his sandwich down. "Guys, here's what I think you need to say. Talk about you fear for Marcus, Johanna. Marcus, talk about how you wanted to protect Johanna. Under no circumstances do you mention Lizzie. Keep her name out of it at all costs. For the purpose of this interview, your little girl does not exist."

"Good thought, Linny. Keep their attention focused on you and Johanna, Marc. Lizzie is just a little baby and can't protect herself. Now, what I've been thinking for the 'big reveal...' Marcus, you should hint at 'suddenly remembering' Cara from your school years. Hint that you want to talk about that - and that it won't be positive. Will you need to get approval from the barrister first?" Laslow asks.

"Yes, yes we will, in fact," Marcus responds.

"Oy, okay! Then, discuss this with them - I don't think you want to be accused of defamation or slander or any of that, so, in case they say no, we need to have an alternative 'big reveal' ready. Boys?"

"Not necessarily, Laslow. He can talk about 'remembering', but his 'memories' can be limited to thoughts like, 'I remember seeing her, but not anything beyond that.' What I think the reveal could consist of is this...Imply that you're going to admit to past communications with her. They'll latch onto that, hoping that those communications would have been intimate or lurid," Tim suggests.

"Ewww," I say, wrinkling my nose.

"And use Johanna's reaction," Laslow suggests. "As you begin building up to that, drop little hints here and there into your conversation. Johanna, do just that expression - that wrinkled nose and downturned mouth. Perfect!"

I think about their suggestion. Taking the recommendations each had made, I look at them from all sides. Looking at Marcus, I see he's doing the same thing. I look into his eyes after a few minutes and give him a slight nod.

"Okay, then, that's settled. Here's what I'll do. I'll talk to the barrister and let him know what we've talked about. We'll talk about this 'big reveal' being my 'sudden memories' of going to school with Cara and hinting that I'm going to admit to past communications. If he is okay with it, I'll come back here with that news. And Johanna and I will begin working on an interview we could plausibly have with them," Marcus says.

"Good! You know, I think that, as long as the barrister knows we're not going to totally destroy Cara during an interview, he'll be all right with that," Tim says.

"I think so, too, but I just don't want to end up hauled in front of him for something for which I'd end up behind bars," Marcus says with a shiver. "That's the last thing I would want. I can't stand to be away from my wife and little girl."

At home that night, Marcus and I worked on dinner, then my parents' came over to eat with us. After a lovely meal, Marcus helped my parents' and sister set up security for all their computers. After completing this, we reiterate that we're only going to communicate with them via email.

"Our phones are already deactivated. They can't get anything and, hopefully, everything we've texted is completely off-topic and nothing they'd be interested in," I say.

After my family leaves, we spend a little time working on a probable interview script, then we go to bed...well, after making sweet love to each other, which we really needed after a stressful few days

Marcus and I are sitting in a dingy, out-of-the-way diner as we talk to reporters from two rags - tabloids. They have set small recorders in front of us and I see the spindles rotating slowly as they record everything we say.

"No, I remembered that I did have contact with Cara in secondary school. However, I was in the college group and she was in the vocational, I believe. What I remember, mainly, is that she would send me small smiles. I'd nod my head to her in passing, but that's the extent of it...except..."

I turn my face to Marcus and the corners of my mouth edge down. I see the reporters watching my face very closely, so I carefully maintain that expression as I gaze at my blushing husband.

"And...?" the tall, skinny reporter prompts.

"Well..." Marcus looks at me, almost furtively. "I, um, I decided that I wanted to have some form of communication with her..." His voice falters as he sees my expression darkening.

In agreement with what we had decided earlier, I shudder delicately and say, "Ewww. I don't know how..."

Marcus looks at me and says, "But luv, I just wanted to let her know..."

"Know what?" I ask.

"That...that I'd always found her..."