Drop Dead Sexy(28)

“Because you’ve always been the first to run out after a one-night stand,” I countered.

He shook his head. “Because I had a good time with you last night.”

I couldn’t tell him I had the best sex of my life last night. The same went for telling him what a good time I’d had with him outside of the storeroom and Holiday Inn bedroom I could, but it would only encourage him. There wasn’t any joking in his expression either. I knew that face. Did he really want more? With me?

As my traitorous heart soared at his words, I gave a resigned sigh. “Last night was wonderful. It really was. But let’s acknowledge what it was—a one-night stand.” When he started to argue, I held up a hand to silence him. “I will always be grateful to you for ending my sex drought, but there’s really nothing more.”


“Excuse me?”

Catcher closed the gap between us, causing me to shrink back against the door. Suddenly, he was just too close, too built, and too sexy. If I didn’t get out of there soon, I was going to end up mauling him for more sex.

“You and I both know that we had a good time outside of the sex,” he stated determinedly.

“I usually don’t rate dates on whether or not we win a bar fight.”

Catcher’s blue eyes flared. “You can’t blame a groping redneck and hillbilly brawl on me. And deep down, you know that’s not what made last night memorable. It was me f*cking you up against the storeroom rack and then all over the hotel room.”

At a knock on the door, I covered Catcher’s mouth with my hand. “Yes?” I questioned weakly.

“Oh, I was looking for Agent Mains,” Agent Solano said.

Catcher removed my hand from his mouth. “I’m in here, E.”

“Look. I’m going to take Agent Capshaw and do a perimeter check.”

“Sounds good,” Catcher replied. At the sound of Agent Solano’s retreating footsteps, Catcher pressed against me. “There’s not just a spark between us. There’s a full-on raging inferno.” He rolled his hips against mine. “Don’t put it out.”

It took everything within me not to attack his face with my lips and tongue. And I do mean every ounce of self-control. The man smelled mouth-wateringly delicious. The heat rolling off his body singed my exposed skin. I wanted to melt my body against him. Sans clothes. The truth was I didn’t know why I was fighting him. Something within me just screamed “Caution” like one of those annoying flashing yellow lights.

When I shook my head, Catcher growled into my ear, which drenched my panties. “Dammit, Olivia. Why are you being so stubborn?”

“Look, I can’t talk about this anymore.” After prying myself away from him, I whirled around and fumbled for the doorknob. I fled the guest bedroom and started back into Randy’s.

Unfortunately, Catcher was right on my heels. “This isn’t over. Not by a long shot,” he hissed behind me.

“Excuse me, but I have a job to do.” I threw back at him. Ignoring the curious looks from Ralph and the others, I stomped over to the bed. “Newt!” I called.

I heard some hustling in the hallway before Newt appeared in the doorway. “Yeah, Olivia?”

“I’m ready for you to photograph the body.”

“Sure thing. I got two more shots in the bathroom, and I’ll be right there.”

“Fine.” I grabbed the sheet bunched at Randy’s waist and tugged it to the floor. The horrified chorus that rang around me sent me jumping out of my skin. My hand flew to my chest to still my erratically beating heart. While still rubbing my shirt, I glanced back at the others. They had all paled slightly and wore a look of horror on their faces.

“Sweet Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” Todd said while crossing himself.

“I’ll be damned,” Ralph muttered while Catcher merely blinked a few times. He appeared so shaken that he had lost the ability to form words. Ha, I bet that was a first.

Considering the trio consisted of a funeral attendant, a sheriff, and a GBI agent, I couldn’t imagine what could have possibly freaked them out so much. I mean, they had to have seen their fair share of traumatizing things in their careers. And then when I looked down at Randy, I truly understood the horror.

Just like with Jesse’s latex-allergy-induced eggplant dick, what I saw would haunt me for years. It would be one of those things that after you fluffed your pillow, snuggled under the cozy covers, and turned out the light, you would suddenly want to scream out in terror because it was emblazoned on the back of your eyelids. It was a vision all the bleach in the world wouldn’t remove. It would be the thing when you were old and grey that strangers curiously asked if you really saw. Like your own version of Big Foot or the Loch Ness Monster.

Protruding from an overgrowth of dark pubic hair was not one but two penises. I furiously blinked several times as if I could somehow wake myself out of my stupor of a bad dream. How was this even possible? Our victim, Randy Dickinson, mild-mannered pharmacist, civic volunteer, and bass in the church choir had two penises. Or was it peni? He was packing two schlongs, two meats and four veg, double dongs, a duo of dicks, a couple of cocks, twin trouser snakes, two tallywackers. I shook my head to try and get a hold of myself. I wasn’t someone who was easily shaken on the job, but Randy and his two dicks had me absolutely gobsmacked.

Katie Ashley's Books