Desperate Girls (Wolfe Security #1)(59)

“I believe so. The wound is to his lower back.”

Brynn felt dizzy. “What . . . where . . .”

“He’s in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. That’s all I know.”

“Where did this happen? And what happened to you?”

Erik’s jaw tightened. “I got there right after Corby fled. I tried to chase him down but lost sight of him for a minute. He had a vehicle waiting.”

“You tried to chase him down? Why didn’t you shoot him?”

“There were people around.”

“But . . . how did he get to Ross? Where was Skyler?”

“They were on their way to Bamboo Palace. Corby jumped Ross from behind, stabbed him in the back.”

Brynn put her hands over her eyes, horrified by the image. “Oh my God.”

“Brynn. Take a deep breath.”

She dropped her hands and stared at him. “Are you insane? Ross was stabbed. How can you be so calm and emotionless? You’re like a robot!”

“Brynn, I need you to take it easy while we sort this out. You should sit down.”

Fury welled inside her. “Don’t treat me like I’m some hysterical female. I want information! Tell me how this happened.”


They turned to see Hayes standing in the doorway. “Jeremy’s with the marshals. He needs you to call him.”

Erik started toward the door, but Brynn grabbed his arm. “Wait. Wait. I have to go to the hospital.”

“It’s better if you stay here.”

“No way. Which hospital?”

Erik just stared at her. She looked at Hayes. “Which hospital, Hayes?”

“Uh . . .”

Brynn strode past both of them. The closest hospital was probably Methodist. She reached for a set of keys on the bar, but Erik cut around her and grabbed them.

“God damn it, Erik!”

He pocketed the keys. “You can’t go. The area’s not secured.”

“Ross is in the hospital, and I’m damn well going!”

He put his hand on her shoulder like a clamp. “You are not going anywhere right now.”


“How much more proof do you need that you’re in danger?” His grip tightened. “I will go to the hospital. When the area is secure, then I will come here and get you. Are we clear?”

He was right, she knew, but tears of frustration welled in her eyes, making her even more furious.

“Fine. Go. But don’t even think about leaving me here all night. I need to be there, Erik.”

“I’ll be back. I promise.”

Half the marshals in the state seemed to be milling around the waiting room. They were joined by local cops, sheriff’s deputies, and even a few Texas Rangers in cowboy hats. Corby would have to be suicidal to show up here, but that didn’t ease Erik’s worry as he watched Brynn from across the room.

She wouldn’t sit down.

Two empty chairs right there, but she refused to sit, just kept pacing back and forth between the elevators and the vending machine. Every ten minutes, she walked over to pester the poor guy manning the nurses’ station.

Erik kept his eyes on her, but she wouldn’t look at him. Which meant she was still pissed off.

You’re like a robot. He wasn’t sure why her words got to him, but they did.

Jeremy and Lindsey walked over. Lindsey’s partner, Max Gorman, was talking to several uniformed cops by the door.

“What’s the update?” Jeremy asked Erik.

“Still waiting.”

“They’re working on his kidney?” Lindsey asked.

“From what I hear, yeah. Think there’s damage to the spleen, too.”

Jeremy shook his head. They both had seen enough combat to know this was serious.

“How’s the search coming?” Erik asked.

“Just talked to the head of the task force,” Jeremy said. “His name’s Art Caldwell. He’s with the local marshal’s office.”

“He any good?” Erik asked, although he’d already drawn his own conclusions based on the shitty job they’d done locating Corby over the past nine days.

“Former Navy.” He shrugged. “He’s okay.”

“They’ve got two canine teams combing the area between the apartment and the courthouse,” Lindsey said. “And a FLIR helo just went up.”

A helo equipped with forward-looking infrared radar could detect someone hiding in a bush or a ditch from five thousand feet in the air, which might have been useful if they were in a rural area. In an area like this, Erik figured it was a waste of time.

“You know, his description is a pretty close match with one of the digital pictures we’ve been circulating,” Erik told Lindsey.

“Which one?”

“Shaved head, goatee.”

“That should help.”

He blew out a breath, frustrated beyond words at how close he’d been to grabbing the guy. If only he’d gone after him in those first seconds, before he even called Skyler. If only he’d been faster, Corby would be behind bars right now. Ross would be unharmed. And Brynn would be tucked safely in bed at home.

He glanced across the waiting room to see her once again badgering the nurse for updates.

Laura Griffin's Books