Desperate Girls (Wolfe Security #1)(50)


“You don’t recognize Tony Martelli, the owner of the pizza restaurant you’ve been going to for years, whom you said you knew personally?”

“Objection.” Conlon was on his feet. “Your Honor, the state objects to this visual stunt. The defense is manipulating this exhibit to confuse the witness.”

“Your Honor, this is the state’s own exhibit. How can they object to it?”

“Judge, the defense is referencing facts not in evidence. Ms. Holloran hasn’t established who the person in the picture is. How can we know if it’s Mr. Martelli?”

“Sustained.” Linden gave Brynn a sharp look. “Rephrase the question, Ms. Holloran.”

Conlon sat down.

“Mrs. Marek, can you positively identify the person”—Brynn aimed the pointer—“seen here getting into this car at the edge of the parking lot?”

The witness no longer looked tearful. She was a deer in the headlights. “I’m not sure. I mean, I can’t see anything, really. It’s all shadowy.”

At the word “shadowy,” Conlon winced. It was only slight, but Brynn caught it. She hoped the jury did, too.

“Thank you. No further questions, Your Honor.”

“Mr. Conlon?” The judge arched an eyebrow.

Conlon started to get to his feet, then changed his mind. “Nothing further, Your Honor.”

Linden smacked his gavel and announced the lunch break. The jury filed out, and Brynn took a deep breath as she gathered her files.

“That was beautiful,” Ross said as he packed his briefcase. “You nailed it. Conlon was pissed.”

“Don’t get cocky, Ross.”

“Why the hell not? You had his own witness saying it was too dark to see shit.”

Spectators and reporters vacated the gallery, and Brynn stood back to wait.

“We need to brace for this afternoon,” she said. “He’s calling the forensics guys.”

“How do you know?”

“Because he’s out of eyewitnesses. He’s bringing out the big guns next, so we have to be prepared.”

Ross shook his head. “This is so you, Brynn. Celebrate for a nanosecond. Can’t you just be happy we crushed their best eyewitness?”


Glancing at the exit, she spotted Erik. His gaze locked with hers over the crowd. The bottleneck cleared, and she and Ross finally reached the door.

“We need to meet with you two,” Erik said.

“Who’s ‘we’?” Brynn asked.

“This way.”

Keith appeared on the other side of Ross, and Brynn let the two bodyguards guide them down the hallway bustling with lunchtime traffic.

“Where’s Jeremy?” Ross asked. “He didn’t mention any meeting to me this morning. I have a lunch date.”

“Cancel it,” Erik said, stopping beside a gray door.

Erik led them into a narrow corridor, passing a series of conference rooms designated for attorney-client meetings. It was the place where many plea bargains happened, known by lawyers as Hail Mary Hall.

Erik opened one of the closed doors. He made eye contact with Brynn as he ushered everyone inside.

Liam Wolfe sat at the head of the table. He got to his feet as Brynn entered the room. Dressed in business casual with a sidearm under his jacket, he looked like a police detective visiting the courthouse to testify. Brynn glanced around at the other faces. Jeremy, Skyler, Trent. Almost the entire team was here.

“Ms. Holloran.” Liam shook her hand. “Good to see you again.”

“You, too,” she said, maybe a little too sarcastically, as she took in the situation. Someone had taken the time to reserve this room. And order sandwiches. This meeting would clearly take the bulk of the lunch break.

The door opened, and Reggie stepped into the room. He nodded hello and set his briefcase on the table beside Liam. Then he shed his suit jacket, clearly expecting to be here a while.

“Why didn’t you tell us about this?” Brynn asked him. “I was planning to have a working lunch.”

“I didn’t know, either, until an hour ago.” Reggie looked at Liam. “I’m told this is important.”

“What exactly—”

“Have a seat. We’ll explain,” Liam said, pulling out the chair beside him.

Brynn sat down, fuming. She didn’t like being ambushed. Erik took the empty chair on her other side.

“Well, at least you’re feeding us,” Ross said, grabbing a seat near the sandwiches.

Skyler passed the sandwich tray around. Brynn declined the food and grabbed a water.

“Thought we’d catch you here at the courthouse,” Liam said. “Easier to round everyone up.”

The door opened again, and Lindsey Leary walked in, followed by a man Brynn didn’t recognize. Liam stood, and Brynn’s heart gave a lurch when she saw Liam and the stranger side by side. Their resemblance was uncanny.

“I’m Mark Wolfe,” the man said, nodding at Brynn.

“I’m . . . Brynn Holloran. And this is—”

“Reggie Gunn.” Reggie stood and shook the man’s hand.

Ross introduced himself and did the same.

“Did you say Wolfe?” Brynn asked. “As in . . . ?”

Laura Griffin's Books