Desperate Girls (Wolfe Security #1)(26)

“Next time he drops by to tell me someone I know’s been murdered, I’ll be sure to remind him of the procedure.”

“That’s not the point. If he can get in, so can someone else.” Which was Erik’s problem, not hers. He needed to talk to Jeremy.

Brynn was far from fine, and she looked like she wanted to talk.

“Is there anyone you want to call right now? Maybe your sister or—”

“God, no. She’d freak.” She set the wine on the counter, then combed her hands through her hair. “I can’t believe this. It’s like . . . like he’s going down a hit list.”

She was right. And it was very possible her name was on it, along with Ross’s.

“I can’t believe this,” she repeated. “Really, I mean, I thought Reggie was wrong.” She looked up at him, wide-eyed and in shock.

Erik stepped closer. “I know you’re upset.”

“Upset? I’m beyond upset. I’m . . . I don’t even have words for what I am right now.”

“Brynn, listen to me.” He waited for her to look at him. “There was some good news mixed in there, too.”

Her eyes widened.

“We have a vehicle now. That’s an important lead. The marshals will be all over that, along with every other badge in the state. They’ll track him down, I promise you.”

“How can you possibly know that?”

“Because that’s what they do. And they’re the best in the world.”

He watched her, battling the urge to wrap his arms around her because she looked so vulnerable standing there staring at him like he was crazy.

The other good thing that had come from all this? She took him seriously now. This threat to her life—and it was a very real threat—had her full attention. Which meant he was going to get her cooperation.

He wanted her trust, too, but that was another matter. Trust would come later. And he was going to have to earn it.

“I guess Reggie was right. You, him”—she nodded toward Hayes on the phone in the living room—“Skyler. We really do need all of you.”

Erik nodded.

She closed her eyes. “This is unreal.” She let out another laugh that was totally at odds with the situation. It seemed to be her reaction to stress. “You know what else is unreal? I have to be in court in a few hours. What the hell am I thinking?” She picked up her glass and dumped the rest of her wine down the sink. “I need to go to bed.” She looked at him. “Will you be here a while longer?”

She asked it casually, but he saw the tension in her face.

“Until midnight.”

“Great. Thank you. Well, I’m going to turn in, so . . . get some rest.” She gave him a fake smile. “I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She walked out, and he watched her disappear into her bedroom.

Erik muttered a curse and scrubbed his hands over his face. This job sucked, and he was only one day in.

And it was going to get worse before it got better.

A brief knock came at the front door, and Jeremy stepped inside, pocketing his key.

“Hey, Skyler needs to talk to you,” Jeremy told him.

Erik darted a look down the hallway. “Brynn went to bed. You got this covered?”


Erik hesitated a moment before heading across the hall. Ross was in the kitchen now, standing in front of the open refrigerator with a blank look on his face. He seemed to be in shock. Erik found Skyler in the spare bedroom, where they’d set up a computer and printer, along with several monitors for their surveillance cameras. Skyler sat at the desk, frowning at the screen as she fast-forwarded through video footage.

“How’d he get in here?” Erik asked, referring to the PI.

“Still working on it.” She grabbed a stack of papers off the desk. “Check it out. The marshals just sent these.”

Erik thumbed through the pages, which showed the possible faces of escaped convict James Corby. Beard, no beard, goatee, no goatee, mustache, long hair, short hair, no hair. With his average build and unremarkable facial features, Corby was the sort of guy who could blend into a crowd. Erik muttered a curse.

“I know, right?” Skyler glanced at him. “Could be anyone.”

He flipped through again, pausing on the shaved-head picture with the goatee. Before his escape, Corby was wearing his hair short but not shaved. After his escape, maybe he’d shaved it for a quick disguise.

“So how’s the client?”

He glanced up. “Fine.”

“She’s attractive.”

“And?” Erik returned his attention to the paperwork.

“She seems to like you, I couldn’t help but notice.”

“Actually, she thinks we’re a pain in the ass.”

“Not us. You.”

He flipped through the pages again. Skyler loved to tease him about being aloof with women. Clients sometimes flirted with him, but he never went there. It was one reason Liam had trusted him with this particular job.

“Of course, maybe I’m imagining it,” she said. “Could be she’s got a thing with her boss. The man’s spending a fortune on her security.”

Erik didn’t react. The thought had crossed his mind, even though the guy was old enough to be her father. No way he was immune to her. The man would have to be dead.

Laura Griffin's Books