Deep (Stage Dive, #4)(19)


It was good to want things in life. Didn’t mean you were necessarily going to get them. Already, the thought of hearing whatever he had to say brought anxiety rushing to the surface. Bridesmaids are busy people; I had shit to do. Ben Nicholson could just wait. Tonight wasn’t about me or him or the lingering mess between us. Not even a little. There were about twenty-five or so people present, excluding Santa Elvis and the string quartet. Mal’s family, his dad and sisters, husbands and kids. Mine and Anne’s mom (henceforth known as She Who Must Be Avoided). The Stage Dive members and their partners, plus Lauren and Nate, of course. Lots of people to meet and greet and mingle up a storm with.

But first I wanted to hug my sister. To hold her tight and know that good things happened to good people, and that she was every bit as happy as she’d always deserved to be.

So that’s what I did.


After I spent almost five hours chatting and being the best bridesmaid possible, the wedding reception finally began to wind down. Hand to god, I’d more than earned my night out on the town. I’d avoided both Ben and my mom by never standing still for long. My attempts to keep Mal’s clutter of nephews and nieces under control went a long way toward helping.

Mental note to never, ever have children. Working with them would be fine, but I wanted to be able to clock out at the end of the day, thank you very much. They might be cute, but they could also be total maniacs. I was pretty damn certain Mal would be getting hit up for the replacement of at least one of the fancy jacquard-covered chairs. I’d tried to get the paté finger art out, but with little luck. The perpetrator of that particular crime remained hidden under a hallway table.

Couples were beginning to get overly amorous, what with the late hour, rich food, and expensive booze. As for me, I was ready to par-tay!

“We’re about to slip away,” reported Anne, hooking my elbow with a hand. Her other arm was occupied resting around her husband’s neck.

“I guessed.” I nodded. “The dude attached to the side of your head kind of gave it away.”

Mal didn’t bother coming up for air. Instead, he kept right on nibbling at Anne’s ear. But he did say something. Some muttered string of words I didn’t have a hope in hell of understanding.

“What did he say?” I asked.

“He said we have to go consummate our marriage,” said Anne.

“Of course he did. Have fun with that.”

“We will.”

More incoherent mumbling from the guy attached to her ear.

“I thought that was meant to be a surprise for when she got back?” replied Anne.

Mal finally surfaced. “But it’s just so cool. I am just so cool. I think she deserves to know this.”

“It’s your present, it’s up to you. Tell her if you like.” Anne laughed.

The smile Mal gave me was megawatt, blinding. “I got you a baby blue 1967 Mustang GT for your birthday.”

“You did?” I shrieked in glee.

“Exactly. Aren’t I just the best? Ohmigod I’m f*cking amazing! My own mind is just blown by me. Put it there, little sis.” He held up his hand for a high five.

I slapped palms with him with much zest. “That’s awesome, Mal!”

“I know, right?”

“Thank you so much.”

“It’s nothing.” A careless hand waved my gratitude away. “Sheesh.”

Only Anne seemed unenthused. “You got Liz a muscle car? You bought me a Prius.”

With pouty lips, Mal framed her face with his hands. “Because you’re my Pumpkin Prius princess. Girls like you don’t drive muscle cars.”

“Girls like me?”

“Beautiful, clever, good girls with lots of respect for traffic lights and shit like that. Besides, you’ve got me. You don’t need any more muscle in your life.”

I wouldn’t say Anne looked appeased, exactly. But she did drop the subject after yet another lingering kiss.

“What are you up to tonight?” she asked me eventually.

“I thought I might go dancing or something,” I said, rocking back on my heels in excitement. Vegas, here I come. “Put my legal ID to good use.”

Anne’s grin faltered. “Right, yeah. Listen, Sam was thinking of going around to a couple of clubs too. You mind if he tags along?”

Ruh-roh. “Sam the security man?”

“Yeah.” Her gaze wandered around the room for a moment, avoiding mine. “He won’t get in the way, I promise. He’s a really great guy and going out on your own in Vegas isn’t the smartest idea. You don’t mind do you? I promise he won’t get in your way or anything.”

“No, I guess not.”

“Good.” She visibly relaxed, leaning against Mal. “I think they took your stuff up to the penthouse suite already, by the way. You’ve got the key, right?”

“Yep. All set.”

“And if you go anywhere on your own, don’t get lost in the hotel. That place is huge.”

“I’ll be fine. Go make merry with your husband.” I smacked a light kiss on her cheek. “Congratulations. It was a wonderful night. You looked beautiful.”

“What ’bout me?” came from Mal.

“Very pretty.” I gave him a pat on the head. “Later!”

Kylie Scott's Books