Dare To Run (The Sons of Steel Row #1)(24)

The hell I was.

But I wasn’t about to argue with this f*cker. His misconception worked to my benefit. “You need to clear out and consider this place off-limits. You’re lucky I only killed two of your guys this time.” I gave a curt nod toward the * I let live and had the satisfaction of seeing him pale. “Or would you be okay if I let one of my guys come to your house and rape your girl?”

Phil postured, trying to look intimidating, and his voice could have cut steel. “Is that a threat, Mr. Donahue?”

“Since you have to ask, the answer’s obviously a no. If I make a threat, there will be no doubt it’s a f*cking threat.” I smirked at him and leaned against the wall casually, crossing my ankles. “Besides, the Sons get plenty of willing *. We don’t have to go out and take it.”

Last night’s * now turned red in the face and stepped forward.

“Stay right there, Tom,” Phil said. The little f*cker obeyed instantly. “Speaking of the Sons, does Tate Daniels know that you killed two of my guys last night?”

“I told him, yeah.” I shrugged, pretending nonchalance. “He, of course, understood why I did what I did. What’s ours stays ours. It’s always been that way in Steel Row. Anyone thinks otherwise, they get taught differently. As you learned last night.”

It was true. I’d made sure to go see Tate first thing this morning, and I’d briefed him on what had gone down, skipping over the fact that my relationship with Heidi was still more fantasy than reality. For a little while, anyway. And we both knew it. I glanced over at her. She was sitting on a barstool now, arms crossed and clearly still not happy.

She tilted her head at me and shook it, as if she could hear my thoughts.

Maybe she could. I wouldn’t put it past her.

“So. Like I said.” Returning my attention to the Bitter Hill guys, I stared the lieutenant down. Alpha to alpha. And I didn’t back down. “Get out and stay the hell away from my woman and her place. And you can wash that damn tag off her building, too.”

After a valiant effort, he reluctantly looked away. I could practically see his tail tucked between his legs. “Shit, whatever. I hear you.”

I nodded once. “See yourself out. Now.”

“Of course.” He walked past me and motioned for his guys to follow him. He kept walking as he talked. “But we’re watching you.” He stopped at the bar and trailed his fingers over Heidi’s arm. She jerked away, nearly falling off the stool, and glowered at him. “And we’re watching her even closer. I’ll allow the kills from last night. Collateral damage in a territory dispute. But if you cross us again? We’ll come back in force and . . . take what’s yours.”

With a lingering look at Heidi that left no doubt as to his meaning, he walked out the door and into the snow. The three *s with him leered at Heidi, clearly hoping I’d f*ck up, before following him outside. Every fiber of my body pulsed with rage and the desire to kill. I’d been trained to ignore baiting such as this. Trained to keep my cool in a heated situation, no matter what occurred. But they threatened Heidi, and I was ready to flip my shit.

They were going to die.

Every single one of them.

My mind flashed image after image of what they could do to Heidi. . . . It did things to me. It turned me into a murderous beast that needed blood now. And I’d damn well get it, too.

I walked after them, pulling my gun out of its holster as I went.

The door shut behind them, and I reached for the knob. Before I could close my palm over it, someone shoved me back. I growled and lifted my gun, pointing it at the object that stopped me from getting what I wanted: to see their blood pooling on the sidewalk because they’d challenged me and endangered what was mine. “Get out of my way.”

Wide, bright blue eyes and pale porcelain skin stared back at me. She was so damn beautiful. More beautiful than mere words would ever describe. More beautiful than a guy like me deserved, or would ever deserve, in his whole life.

And I was pointing my gun at her head.



The second the cold barrel of his gun aimed at the middle of my forehead . . . I froze. I didn’t breathe. Didn’t dare to so much as blink, in case it sent him over the edge. I didn’t think he’d hurt me—not really. Not after the way he’d reacted after they’d threatened my safety. But still, having a murderous man hold a gun to your head, with rage blazing in his eyes and anger making those huge biceps of his tremble . . .

Well, you’d have to be a fool not to be scared.

And I wasn’t a fool.

Hands held out at my sides, I licked my parched lips. “Lucas . . .”

“Fuck.” He lowered the gun and stuck it back into the holster before dragging his hand through his hair. If I wasn’t mistaken, it trembled ever so slightly. “Don’t ever, ever, walk in front of me again when I have my gun out. Ever.”

I nodded quickly, my hands still held out to my sides. That’s something I already knew, obviously. You never messed with a guy when he was intent on murdering someone, especially when that guy was as dangerous as Lucas freaking Donahue. But when he acted all protective and reluctantly heroic, it was hard to remember who he was. And what he did. Stupid, stupid, girl.

Jen McLaughlin's Books