Dare Me(36)

Her breathing hitches as my fingers crawl higher and she wobbles on unsteady legs. She turns her head to look out of the glass office where most of the lights have now been turned off. Coming to the apex of her thighs, I push the soft piece of satin between her legs to the side and slide my finger underneath, running it between the soft folds of skin.

“Holt,” she gasps as my finger trails over the soft skin of her *, dipping and rubbing her wetness around.

With my foot, I nudge her legs apart just a little more. Dipping my finger inside her again, I feel her warmth . . . her wetness . . . and I’m instantly hard. I stand up quickly and turn her around, pressing my chest to her back. Brushing her long hair back and over one side of her shoulders, I breathe into her ear from behind her. “Remember all the things I told you I was going to do to you, Saige?” I can hear her swallow and she nods quickly. “I’m going to f*ck you against my desk right now. I need to be inside you. I need to hear you call my name as I’m inside you.”

I feel her entire body shudder, and she drops her head back against my shoulder. Without concern that anyone is left in the office, I push her dress up over her perfect ass. Saige is wearing a pair of satin thong panties, and I pull them down. They fall to her feet, and she steps out of them.

I guide her forward just a few steps and place her hands on the desk. “Bend over,” I whisper, and she follows my commands. She reaches forward and presses her breasts to the hard wooden desktop, her perfect ass on display in front of me. I pull my cock from my pants and run the thick tip against her wet entrance, teasing her. Inserting just the tip, I pull out before pressing into her, this time further. She mumbles something inaudible as I push further into her, finally filling her.

“Feel that, Saige?” She nods and pants as I plunge in and out of her. “I want to f*ck you like this every single day. Every morning. Every night. Me and you, Saige. There is no better feeling in the world than being buried deep inside of you.” I twist my fingers into her long hair and pull her head back. She gasps when I pull harder and twist her head to the side so she can see me. I press a kiss to her temple, and she closes her eyes, moaning with each slow thrust. “Feel that?” I whisper and she nods.

“Holt,” she breathes heavily. I can feel her walls tightening around me as she moans and rocks her hips back against me.

“Not yet, baby.” I slide in and out of her easily. She fits perfectly around my throbbing cock. Releasing her hair, I grip her perfectly round ass and dig my fingers into the soft flesh. She falls forward onto the desk, and her fingers grip the edge.

I press my thumb into the soft, puckered skin of her backside, and she yelps when I push in further. As my cock works in and out of her wet *, my thumb works in and out of her tight ass. She gasps and moans and tosses her head from side to side with each thrust of both my cock and thumb working in rhythm together.

“You like that, huh, baby?” I smile as I watch her legs shake and her * clench around me as she climaxes. Her forehead rests on my dark wood desk, and she nods against the wood as I slow my pace. “Turn over,” I tell her, pulling out of her.

She pushes herself up and rolls her hips. Her body twists and she’s now perched on the edge of my desk. Her cheeks are flushed, and her eyes are heavy, sated. I spread her legs wider and shift her dress higher. She’s bare and glistening, and I invite myself back inside her.

She gasps as I fill her, her eyes rolling back and her teeth biting her lower lip. There is nothing sexier in the world than how Saige looks when I’m inside her. Content. Satisfied. Mine. I reach behind her and unzip the back of her red dress. The straps fall over her shoulders, leaving behind a red satin bra. Sliding my fingers under the straps, I guide them down, exposing her full breasts. Leaning in, I pull a tight nipple into my mouth, and Saige yelps in pleasure. Her entire body shudders around me, and I bring her to the brink of pleasure once again.

“Holt,” she pants wildly.

“Just feel it, babe,” I mumble against her breast, and I feel my own climax coming. My balls ache as I pound into her. Pulling her closer to me, there is not a part of our bodies that isn’t touching. My fingers grip her back tightly as I spill my release into her, and she moans against my chest. Loosening my hold on her, she falls back against my desk, her naked torso on display. She shifts her hips, and I move inside her. A smile pulls at her lips.

I chuckle. “Keep doing that and you’ll have me ready for round two.” I actually feel myself harden slightly inside her.

“Promise?” She teases, lifting her hips again and pulling me further into her.

“Saige,” I warn her. I close my eyes and will myself to keep it together.

“There’s no better feeling in the world than you inside me,” she whispers, and I agree.

I look at this beautiful woman splayed across my desk, legs wrapped around me, and I feel weak. Anything she asks of me, I’d do it. Anything she wants, it’s hers. Never have I been so powerless in all my life. She’s different. I don’t know what it is about her, but I’m utterly obsessed with her.

“Sit up.” I pull her up by the elbows and slide her bra straps back on her shoulders, positioning the bra over her breasts. Next, I replace her dress and lean into her so I can zip it from the back. The bottom of her dress still sits high on her waist and, when I finally pull myself from her, I lower it a bit.

Rebecca Shea's Books