Cursor's Fury (Codex Alera #3)(55)

Max dropped his arms in a limp, weak gesture, flakes of black ash that had been his tunic drifting down. He sat down and leaned his back against the support post and shook his head. Tavi gathered himself to his feet and watched as Max's head fell forward. He was silent for a time. Then he whispered, "She killed my mother. I was five."

Tavi went to his friend's side and crouched beside him.

"People like her get to do what they please," Max said quietly. "I can't just kill her. She's too smart to be caught. And even if she was, she has family, friends, contacts, people she controls and blackmails. She'll never face justice. And one of these times, she'll get me. I've known that since I was fourteen."

And suddenly Tavi understood his friend a little better. Max had lived his life in fear and anger. He'd run away to join the Legions to escape his stepmother's reach, but he knew, or rather, was convinced that he'd only managed a stay of execution. Max believed that she would kill him, believed it on a level so deep that it had become a part of who and what he was. That was why his friend had caroused so enthusiastically in the capital, why he had blown off most of his classes at the Academy, why he had made merry with wine, women, and song at every opportunity.

He believed he would never live to die of old age.

Tavi put his hand on Max's shoulder. "No one's invincible. No one's perfect. She can be beaten."

Max shook his head. "Forget it," he said. "Stay clear. I don't want you to get caught up in it when it happens."

Tavi hissed out a breath of frustration and rose. "Bloody crows, man. What is the matter with you?"

Max never looked up. "Just go away."

Footsteps approached the tent, then Maestro Magnus thrust his head inside, looking around quickly. "Ah," he said. "He's awake?"

Foss nudged in past Magnus and scowled at Tavi. "That's it. Everyone out."

"What?" Tavi asked.

"Everyone out. Patient needs to clean up, dress, get some water in him, and let me check him before he'll be able to move around. You people staring at him won't help. So get out."

"Actually, a fair idea," Magnus said, giving Tavi a direct look.

Tavi nodded at him, and said, "All right. I'll be outside, Max."

"Yeah, " Max said, waving a vague hand. "Out in a bit."

Tavi slipped out of the tent, walking close to Magnus. "Where have you been?" Tavi asked him.

"Keeping an eye on our Tribune Medica," Magnus replied. He led Tavi on a brief walk, away from the tents and past several groups of drilling recruits, variously shouting and being shouted at by instructors, creating plenty of noise in which to hide any conversation. "Has anyone come?"

"The captain and the First Spear," Tavi said quietly. "This morning that Knight, Crassus, was standing not far off, but he didn't come over."

"Were you able to find out about that messenger that keeps going back and forth between Tribune Bracht and the village?" Magnus asked.

"I've been with Max," Tavi said. "Maestro, that's more important than-"

"Our duties?" Magnus asked archly. "No, Tavi. The security of the Realm is more important than any one of us. Remember why we are all here."

Tavi ground his teeth together but nodded once, sharply. "I should be able to find out in the next day or so."

"Good. While you're at it, I want you to find out whatever you can about the master farrier and his staff. And that veteran squad from the fifth cohort."

Jim Butcher's Books