Cursor's Fury (Codex Alera #3)(33)

Beside him, Max sucked in a startled breath.

Captain Cyril bowed politely to Lady Antillus, and she gave him a grave inclination of her head in response. "Her Grace has offered her services as a wa-tercrafter and healer for the duration of our first deployment," Cyril continued. "You all know that this is not her first term of service with the Legions as a Tribune Medica."

Tavi arched an eyebrow. A High Lady, here in the camp? That was anything but ordinary for a Legion, despite anything the captain might have said to the contrary. The high blood of Alera wielded an enormous amount of power by virtue of their incredible talent of furycrafting. A single High Lord, Tavi had been told, had the strength of an entire century of Knights, and Antillus, one of the two cities that defended the great northern Shieldwall, was renowned for its skill and tenacity in battle.

"I know it isn't traditional, but I'll be meeting with each of you separately to take your oaths. I'll send for each of you over the next day or two. Meanwhile, Lorico has your duty assignments and will show you to your billets. I would be pleased if you all would join me at my table for evening meals. Dismissed."

Those seated on stools rose, and the men parted politely to let Lady Antillus leave first. There were a few murmurs as they left, each taking a leather message tube from Lorico.

"Go on, lads," Magnus murmured to them without even opening his leather tube. "I'll get started here. Good luck to you both." He smiled and stepped back into the captain's tent.

Tavi walked away with Max and read his orders. Simple enough. He was to report to Tribune Gracchus and assist with the management of the Legion's stores and inventory. "He was different than I expected," Tavi said.

"Hmmm?" Max asked.

"The captain," Tavi said. "I thought he'd be more like Count Gram. Or perhaps Sir Miles."

Max grunted, and Tavi frowned at his friend. The big Antillan's face was pale, and his brow was beaded with sweat. That was hardly new to Tavi, who had nursed Max out of hangovers more than once. But now he saw something different in his friend's face, behind the distraction in his expression. Fear.

Max was afraid.

"Max?" Tavi asked, keeping his voice low. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Max said, the word quiet and clipped.

"Lady Antillus?" Tavi asked. "Is she your..."

"Stepmother," Max said.

"Is that why she's here? Because of you?"

Max's eyes shifted left and right. "Partially. But if she's come all this way, it's because my brother is here. It's the only reason she'd come."

Tavi frowned. "You're scared."

"Don't be stupid," Max said, though there was no heat in the tone. "No, I'm not."


Something vicious came into Max's voice. "Leave off, Calderon, or I'll break your neck."

Tavi stopped in his tracks and blinked at his friend.

Max froze a few steps later. He turned his head a bit to one side, and Tavi could see his friend's broken-nosed profile. "Sorry. Scipio, sir. "

Tavi nodded once. "Can I help?"

Max shook his head. "I'm going to go find a drink. A lot of drinks."

"Is that wise?" Tavi asked him.

"Heh," Max said. "Who wants to live forever?"

"If I can-"

"You can't help," Max said. "Nobody can." Then he stalked away without looking back.

Tavi frowned after his friend, frustrated and worried for him. But he could not force Max to tell him anything if his friend didn't want to do so. He could do nothing but wait for Max to talk about it.

Jim Butcher's Books