Cursor's Fury (Codex Alera #3)(189)

"Yes, sir," Foss drawled, and stood by, helping with the buckles on Tavi's armor.

"What's the count?" Tavi asked quietly as he worked.

"Seventy-two injured," Foss said at once. "All but eleven are back in the fight. Nine dead."

"Thank you, Foss. Again."

The veteran grunted and slapped a hand on Tavi's breastplate. "You're set."

Tavi put on his sword belt and slipped a replacement gladius Magnus had dug up into the scabbard. Outside, a fresh round of singing broke out of the troops waiting in the courtyard to reinforce the walls or gate. The verses now contained a great many disparaging references to the men currently on the walls, complemented by enthusiastic boasting of the men waiting for the alleged incompetents to step out of their way.

Magnus entered the tent and nodded. "Sir," he said. "Crassus asked me to tell you that Jens is finished."

"Jens?" Tavi asked.

"Our only Knight Ignus, sir."

"That's right," Tavi said. "Good. Thank you, Magnus." He beckoned and strode out of the tent, back toward the fighting on the wall. As he left the tent, Ehren appeared at his side and kept pace on Tavi's left, and Tavi nodded to him.

"What's happening?" Tavi asked Magnus.

"The Canim sent about a third of their raiders forward. Valiar Marcus says that the regulars have shifted their position, and that they're ready to move forward fairly quickly."

Tavi grimaced. "Crows take it."

Magnus lowered his voice. "It was worth a try. It may be that the Canim's loyalties are not so fractured as we hoped."

"Looks that way." Tavi sighed. "They're using their raiders to wear us down. They'll send the regulars in once they've softened us up."

"Quite probably," Magnus said.

"What about Tribune Cymnea's project?" Tavi asked.

"Let's just say it's a good thing you weren't in the river for very long, Captain."

"Good," Tavi said. "Come nightfall, the Canim will try to get some troops across. They'll want to hit us in the rear and send the regulars through the front door." He paused as a thought struck him. He squinted up at the dim outline of the lowering sun behind the bloody clouds. "Two hours?"

"A little less, " Magnus said.

They had to pause as Crassus and his half dozen Knights Aeris swept overhead to strafe the enemy lines with howling winds and bursts of flame. The miniature gale supporting them temporarily precluded conversation.

"What about the bridge?" Tavi asked, when he could be heard again.

"The engineers say they'd like more time to strengthen it, but they always say that. They've got it up to what you asked for." Magnus paused. "Did you want to give the order now?"

Tavi bit his lip. "Not yet. We hold the gate until sundown."

"You don't know that the regulars will come then," Magnus said. "And it's going to be hard on the men at the gate to stay there. Not to mention the fact that it's going to be difficult for them to maneuver and retreat in the dark."

"Send for fresh troops from the north side of the river then," Tavi said, glancing at Ehren. The Cursor nodded. "Then tell the First Spear to increase the rotation on the walls and keep our men as rested as possible."

"If we do that, we'll have to start using the fish. '

"I know," Tavi said. "But they've got to get into the mud sometime. At least this way, they'll have the veterans to back them up."

Jim Butcher's Books