Cursor's Fury (Codex Alera #3)(16)

"You do," Max said. "You aren't going as yourself. Gaius wants eyes and ears in the command structure. You're it. Disguise, false identity, that kind of thing."

Tavi blinked. "Why?"

"New concept Legion," Max said. "Aquitaine managed to push the idea through the Senate. You're to be serving with the First Aleran. Rariks and officers both consist of equal numbers of volunteers from every city. The idea is-"

Tavi nodded, understanding it. "I get it. If there's someone from every city in the Legion, that Legion could never pose a military threat to any single city. There would be officers and legionares in the ranks who wouldn't stand for it."

"Right," Max said. "So the Aleran Legion would be free to wander anywhere there was trouble and pitch in without ruffling anyone's feathers."

Tavi shook his head. "Why would Aquitaine support such a thing?"

"Think about it," Max said. "A whole Legion of folks from all over Alera training near Kalare's sphere of influence. People always coming and going, messengers and letters from all over the Realm. Do the math."

"Espionage hotbed," Tavi said, nodding. "Aquitaine will be able to buy and sell secrets like sweetbread at Wintersend-and since they'll all be near Kalare and far from Aquitaine, he stands to gain a lot more intelligence on Kalare than he gives away about himself."

"And Gaius wants to know all about it."

"Anything more specific?" Tavi asked.

"Nope. The old man has flaws, but suppressing initiative in his subordinates isn't one of them. This is a spanking new Legion, too. No experience, no battle standard, no combat history, no tradition to uphold. You'll blend right in with the other green officers."

Tavi nodded. "What kind of officer am I supposed to be?"

"Third subtribune to the Tribune Logistica."

Magnus winced.

Tavi arched a brow at the Maestro, and asked Max, "Is that bad?"

Max grinned, and Tavi found the expression ominous. "It's... well. Let's just say that you won't ever run out of things to do."

"Oh," Tavi said. "Good."

"I'm going, too," Max said. "As myself. Centurion, weapons trainer." He nodded at Magnus. "So are you, Maestro."

Magnus arched a brow. "Indeed?"

"Senior valet," Max said, nodding.

Magnus sighed. "It could be worse, I suppose. You wouldn't believe how many times I've had to play scullion somewhere."

Tavi turned and blinked at Magnus in pure shock. "Maestro... I knew you were in the First Lord's counsel, but... you're a Cursor?"

Magnus nodded, smiling. "Did you think I made it a point to have wine and ale on hand for passing merchants because I was lonely for company the past twelve years, my boy? Drunken merchants and their guards let out quite a bit more information than anyone realizes."

"And you never told me?" Tavi asked.

"Didn't I?" Magnus said, eyes sparkling. "I'm sure I did, at some point."

"No," Tavi said.

"No?" Magnus shrugged, still smiling. "Are you sure?"


Magnus let out a theatric sigh. "I thought I had. Ah, well. They say memory is the first thing to go." He glanced around him. "Though I'll miss this place. At first my work here was just a cover story, but crows take me if it hasn't grown on me."

Tavi shook his head. "Shouldn't I know something about soldiering if I'm planning to be an officer there? What if someone puts me in charge of something?"

Jim Butcher's Books