Cursor's Fury (Codex Alera #3)(126)

Isana frowned and drew in a slow breath. "But that will spread the sickness throughout his whole body. If I stop, the infection could take root anywhere. One site is bad enough. I could not handle two at once."

Veradis nodded. "And it could take his body days to fight off the infection."

Isana bit her lip again. Days. She had never maintained a healing furycraft for more than a few hours.

"It isn't a very good way to help him," Veradis said quietly. "It is, however, the only way. Once you begin, you cannot stop until he has won through. If you do, the garic oil will corrupt his blood entirely. He'll die within an hour." She reached into a pocket and drew out a soft, supple cord, offering it to Isana. "Are you sure you wish to attempt this?"

Isana studied Fade's scarred face. "I can't tie that with one hand, lady."

The young healer nodded, then knelt and, very carefully, bound Isana's hand loosely together with Fade's. "A very great deal will depend upon him, Steadholder," she murmured as she worked. "Upon his will to live."

"He will live," Isana said in a quiet voice.

"If he so chooses, there is hope," Veradis said. "But if he does not, or if the infection is simply too great, you must end the crafting."


Veradis continued as if Isana had not spoken. "Depending on the progress of the infection, he may become delusional. Violent. Be prepared to restrain him. Should he lose consciousness altogether, or if he bleeds from the nose, mouth, or ears, there is little hope for his life. That's how you will know when it is time to break away."

Isana closed her eyes and shook her head, firmly, once. "I will not leave him."

"Then you will die with him," Veradis said, her tone matter-of-fact.

I should have, Isana thought bitterly. I should have twenty years ago.

"I strongly urge you not to throw away your life in vain," Veradis murmured. "In fact, I beg you. There are never enough skilled healers during war, and your talents could prove invaluable to the city's defense."

Isana looked up and met the young woman's eyes. "You must fight your battle," she said quietly. "And I must fight mine."

Veradis's tired gaze focused elsewhere for a moment, then she nodded. "Very well. I will look in on you if I can. There are guards in the hall. I have instructed them to serve as attendants, should you need food or any kind of assistance."

"Thank you, Lady Vera-"

Isana's words were suddenly drowned by a titanic booming sound, so loud that it shook the stones of the citadel and rattled the glass in the windows, cracking it in several places. There was a second boom. Then, much more faintly, a rumble of drums, a series of clarion calls of military trumpets, and a sound like wind rushing through thick forest.

Lady Veradis drew in a sharp breath, and said, "It's begun."

Giraldi stumped over to the window and peered out. "Here come Kalare's Legions. Forming up near the south gate."

"What was that sound?" Isana asked.

"Knights Ignus. Probably tried to blast the gate down, first thing." He squinted for a moment, then said, "Cereus's Legions are on the walls now. Must not have taken the gate down."

"I must go," Veradis said. "I am needed."

"Of course," Isana said. "Thank you."

Veradis gave her a fleeting smile, and murmured, "Good luck." She departed on silent feet.

"To all of us," Giraldi growled, frowning out the window. A series of smaller detonations came rippling through the predawn air, and Isana could actually see the light of the fires reflected against the glass.

Jim Butcher's Books