Cursor's Fury (Codex Alera #3)(114)

"Shut up," Tavi said through clenched teeth. "And get me to a medico."

Max stared him for another long second, then shook his head and said, bewildered, "Right. What are friends for?" He stooped down and moved as though to pick Tavi up and carry him as one would a child.

Tavi glared.

Max rolled his eyes and grabbed one of Tavi's arms instead, hauling it over his shoulder to support his weight.

A growling, rough voice said, "There you are, Antillar. Why the crows is your bloody century lined up beside Larus's..." Valiar Marcus drew up short as he spotted Max and Tavi, and the battle-scarred old veteran's ugly face twisted into a squint. "What the crows is this, Maximus?" He glanced at Tavi and threw him a casual salute. "Subtribune Scipio."

Tavi grimaced and nodded in response to the First Spear. "I was loading the wagon," he said, focusing on the words and trying to ignore the pain. "The horse spooked. Wheel went over my leg."

"The horse spooked," the First Spear said. He glanced at the horse hitched to the supply wagon.

The greying draft animal stood placidly in its traces with its head down, sound asleep.

"Urn," Tavi said. He licked his lips and tried to think of something to tell the First Spear, but the pain of his leg made it difficult to come up with anything with his customary speed. Tavi glanced at Max.

Max shrugged at the First Spear. "I didn't see it happen. Just came along and there he was."

"There he was," the First Spear said. Valiar Marcus squinted at Tavi. Then he took two steps and bent down. He stood up again with the smith's hammer. "Spooked horse. Wagon wheel." He squinted down at the hammer, then at the two young men.

Max coughed. "I didn't see anything."

"Thanks," Tavi muttered sourly.

"What are friends for," Max said.

Valiar Marcus snorted. "Antillar, get your century to its proper place and prepare to march." He glanced at Tavi. "Going to be a nice day to march, sir," he observed. "But I suppose not everyone has the same opinion."

"Urn. Yes, centurion," Tavi replied.

The First Spear shook his head and tossed the hammer to Max. Max caught it neatly by the handle. "Best get the subtribune to a medico first," Marcus said. "Maybe drop that by the smithy wagons on the way, eh? Then get your fish to their place in the ranks. I'll tell the senior teamster to be more careful with this, ah, nervous horse, eh?"

The old horse let out a snore. Tavi hadn't known they could do that.

Max nodded, and threw the First Spear an awkward salute with the hand holding the hammer. It came dangerously close to braining Tavi in the temple, and he ducked aside from it, threatening Max's balance.

The First Spear muttered a chuckling oath beneath his breath and stalked off.

"Think he figured out your clever plan?" Max asked brightly.

"Shut up, Max." Tavi sighed, and the pair started limping for the medicos. "Is he going to talk? If someone starts asking questions, it isn't going to take them long to find out that I've got no crafting of my own. And I only know of one person in the whole bloody Realm like that. It will blow my cover."

Max grimaced. "Some spy you are. Maybe next time when I tell you the plan is crazy..."

"What? If you hadn't wasted time whining about it, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

"You wanna walk to the medico without me?" Max growled. "Is that it, Scipio?"

"If it will save me hearing more of your complaining, I might!" Tavi said.

Jim Butcher's Books