Cursor's Fury (Codex Alera #3)(102)

Ullus whirled on Ehren in a fury. "Who do you think you are, you greasy little tosspot? Hold your tongue." He brandished the rusty sword. "Or I will."

"Captain?" Ehren pressed. "Have we a bargain?"

Ullus let out a cry of pure rage and rushed at Ehren, sword rising.

Ehren's small knife appeared from its hiding place in his tunic's roomy sleeve. He waited until the last moment for Ullus's strike, and then slipped aside from it by the width of a hair. His knife struck out, a single stroke that left a cut two inches long and almost as deep.

Ullus's throat sprayed blood. The ragged fence collapsed to the ground like a groggy drunk abruptly sure that it was time for a nap.

Ehren stared down at the man for a moment, regret sharp in him. Ullus was a fool, a liar, a criminal, and Jie'd doubtless done more than his share of despicable deeds in his time-but even so, Ehren had not wanted to kill him. But if Ehren's instincts were correct, he'd had little choice. It was imperative that he leave the island, and Demos was his only way out.

He turned to Demos and leaned down to wipe the blade of his little knife clean on the back of Ullus's tunic. "It would seem that your own arrangement with Ullus has been resolved in accordance with your terms. Have we a new bargain, Captain?"

Demos stared at Ehren, with neither more nor less expression on his face than before. He looked briefly at Ullus's body. "It would seem I have little choice if I am to collect my coin."

"That's true enough," Ehren agreed. "Captain, please. I have a sense that we do not wish to stand around talking about this all day."

Demos's teeth showed in an expression that was not a smile. "Your technique is sound, Cursor. "

"I don't know what you mean, sir."

Demos grunted. "They never do. Passage is one thing. Involving myself in more politics is another."

"And more expensive?" Ehren asked.

"Commensurate with the risk. Dead men spend no coin."

Ehren nodded once, sharply. "And your own loyalties, sir?"


"Ullus's coin," Ehren said. "And a like amount upon return to Alera."

"Double the amount on return," Demos said. "Cash, no vouchers or letters of marque. You're buying passage, not command of my vessel. And I'll have your word not to go out of my sight until paid in full."

Ehren tilted his head. "My word? Would you trust it?"

"Break it," Demos said, "and the Cursors will hunt you down for sullying their business reputation."

"True enough," Ehren said, "if I worked for them. Done."

Demos jerked his head in a nod. "Done. What do I call you?"


"Take me to the coin, scribe." He turned to one of his men. "We set sail at once. Get a slave detail and take any women or children you can see on the way back."

The men nodded and started back to the harbor. Demos turned to find Ehren frowning at him. "We'd best move."

Ehren jerked a nod at him and led him to the back of the bungalow, where Ullus thought he'd built a clever hiding place into the woodpile. Ehren recovered the entirety of Ullus's cash fortune in a leather sack and tossed it to Demos.

The captain opened the sack and dumped some of its contents onto his palm. They were a mix of coins of all sorts, mainly copper rams and silver bulls, but with the occasional gold crown mixed in. Demos nodded and headed back for the ship. Ehren followed, walking on the man's left, a stride away, where he would have time and room to dodge should the pirate draw his sword.

Jim Butcher's Books