Cowgirl Up and Ride (Rough Riders #3)(91)

“No.” Florence kept fiddling with the straw. “Since you were home last night, will you be out whoopin’ it up tonight during happy hour at the Golden Boot?”

“Maybe. We’ll see. I’m supposed to be helping Liza with her bachelorette party so I might head to her place to see what’s up.”

You’re going to Cord’s to see what pops up on him.

He’d be a little anxious after not seeing her for a couple of nights.

On second thought…“A nap might not be a bad idea.”

A few hours later, after she’d packed the ranch truck with boxes for donations, her cell phone rang. Caller ID said Cord.

“Hey, AJ. How are ya?”

“Good. You?”

“Lonely and lookin’ forward to tonight.” Pause. “You are comin’ over later, right?”

Cord sounded…anxious. She smiled. “Far as I know. Why?”

“Just wanted to make sure you wear boots and long pants. No, baby doll, you don’t get to ask why.”

She paused.

“I’m sure hopin’ I hear a ‘but’ in your response someplace.”

“Don’t you think I learned my lesson last time?”

“I sure as hell hope not.”

Her belly fluttered. “Anything else?”

“No. Except to apologize for bein’ a jackass last night when you called.”

“Apology accepted.”

“Good enough. See you at six. Got somethin’ special planned.”

Lord. She hoped it wasn’t another one of his penalties.

Yes, you do.


Soon as AJ pulled into the yard, Cord didn’t cool his bootheels in the house like usual; he bounded out like an eager pup. He bent down and kissed her soundly, a mixture of sweetness, heat and gratitude.

He tugged her to the corral. “Come on. We’re goin’ ridin’. Mick put new shoes on the horses today. I haven’t been as vigilant about exercising them as I usually am.” His hot gaze flicked from her red ropers to her pink face. “Had more important things on my mind lately.”

“I haven’t put Lucy through her paces since that day—” She looked up at him.

“Say it.” He scooted closer and stared at her lustful mouth. “The day I…?”

“Tied me up in the barn and screwed me silly.”


“God no. The way you make me feel, Cord, hot and needed—” She hastily added,

“Sexually speaking, of course.”

Cord wondered why she felt the need to qualify that?

Because this is a sexual relationship, dumbass. You shouldn’t be taking her riding.

You should be riding her.

“Come on, let’s get saddled up.”

“Did you pick a horse for me?”

“Nah. You had a chance to ride them all when you watched Ky, so you know which one you like better than I would.”

AJ picked Nickel, a quarter horse retired from barrel racing. Which just proved he’d been right in letting her choose her mount because he would’ve saddled up Borneo, a much older and gentler horse than Nickel.

“Whose saddle is this?” She walked behind Nickel to his right side and reached under his belly to fasten the cinch.

Lorelei James's Books